Maze Solving Robot

This robot was made for the Search and Rescue challange by Ro-Bot-X.

It is a simple wall follower that uses an ultrasonic sensor for decting the wall and a SHARP IR sensor for sharp left turns. For picking up the soft toy bear, in my case a dog, the robot has a magnet on the side. So sometime on its journey the magnet will touch the bear and grab it. It grabs it because there is a small magnet taped to the waist of the dog. I would have used velcro but I couldn't get some in time for the deadline.

My maze is just some cardboard boxes (tissue, shoe, ect) that I had lying round. I know its not very big or complex, but its all I could do from what I had in the time I had.

In case your wondering the voices in the video are my brother and father arguing whether my brothers icecream cone has glue on it???

Layout of the maze;
















Another pic of the robot;

















Search and Rescue

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 geared DC motors
  • CPU: Arduino uBotino v2
  • Power source: 4 AAs (1.2V each)
  • Programming language: Arduino C
  • Sensors / input devices: SHARP IR sensor, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
  • Target environment: indoor maze

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Congratulations !!! :slight_smile:

Your robot is very nice. And the harddrive magnets are cool too :wink:




I liked you robot too and the device for grabbing the fairy,

I would have liked to do a better job of it but saddly I dident have time, only seeing the challange a few days ago.



cool, i like it mate!

