March Robot Giveaway to Celebrate GoRobotics' 10th Birthday | RobotShop Community

Following @GoRobotics and @Robotbox using my twitter account @CT0110
I also retweeted the Enter the Giveaway Post.

Nice, I love give-aways!..especially because I’m a poor college student…

Favorite robotics website:

Following RobotBox on twitter, my username mobijohn

Following GoRobotics on twitter, my username mobijohn

I like

The projects have good instructions and provide ideas for further exploration.

If you even want to consider it a robotics website, I would say

Following @robotbox & @gorobotics on twitter, my twitter username is @wenjiun
and I just retweet the Enter Giveaway post.

The only robotic related forum I visited often is the Arduino Forum

My favourite robotics website is .

Trossenrobotics, Robosavvy, and Letsmakerobots

Well, I would have to say that my favorite robotics site is However, my favorite robotics forum is located at While it only deals with the Lego Mindstorms it is still my favorite:)

Trossen Robotics because they have a amazing community.

Favorite is Parallax because of the forum there. I’m just getting started with this & need help all the time!

Society of robots is my favourite website -

My favorite sites are the Trossen Robotics and Lynxmotion forums.

just followed @robotbox on twitter, ii am @thedude13 /

Wow, you guys are awesome for giving away this great stuff. My son and I would love to play with these. In fact, I’m tempted to just go order them already… Hope we win them!!! and are both pretty informative!

just followed @gorobotics on twitter, ii am @thedude13 /

Retweeted the link to here at

I hope I win! I’ll post some details about whatever I build from the prizes if I do. :slight_smile:

I’m also following RobotBox on Twitter. (Once again, I don’t have a twitter account, but a company printer, lbPrint, does.)