March Robot Giveaway to Celebrate GoRobotics' 10th Birthday | RobotShop Community

The website is very informative. The podcasts are available on iTunes.

Cool stuff!
Go Robotics!

My 1st favorite would be either Trossen Robotics or Robosavvy.
My 2nd favorite is definitely: GoRobotics.
also - not so much robotics as computer controlled motion to create art, but some cool ideas worth seeing.

I’m following GoRobotics on Twitter!!
User Name: fraco92

My favoureite robot website is this! GoRobotocs!
but i also like LMR=“

I like the Pololu robotics site.

Hey all, following gorobotics from @sirkerrald. Also, contests rule. As does this site. And cookies.

ReTweeted “Enter’s 10 Year Birthday Robot Giveaway“

Following RobotBox on twitter
UserName: Crazy_Indians

Following GoRobotics on twitter
UserName: Crazy_Indians

Fav Robot Website:

This is my favorite website! GoRobotics !

Favorite website is Robotshop since its Canadian and creating jobs in my area!

i love and twitter username is @chrisdawsonxx

My favorite robotics website:

I followed you on twitter! I’m @lugubriously

I also followed @GoRobotics. I’m @lugubriously.

I retweeted the sweepstakes! I’m @lugubriously

i enjoy and robots,net…i would be glad to win this for my birthday in 6 days tho