Mac #1

    This is the first robot I have ever made. I have been on this web site for a while, waiting to order parts and start building. Well, here it is!!! This robot navigates around, using a PING))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, to avoid objects. The chaise and the sensor holder is made from sintra (don't know how to spell it, hope you know what I mean). There are two servos that control the tracks and a servo to move the sensor left to right, to avoid objects. I'm still working on the programing to raise the RPMs, to make Mac go faster and turn faster. Had some problems with some objects. There are two LEDs that are mounted at the top on the sensor holder, which go on while the servos are on or moving. The "brain" is a Board of Education C, which came with a Boe-Bot kit that I bought, basically to know what I was getting into, thought it would work perfect with this project. Finally, this robot is powered by 4AA batteries. Having problems uploading pictures??? Will figure something out!!! Sorry about the confusion in my last post!!! Comments welcome!!!

By the way, does anyone know if there is program of BASIC STAPM for an Apple (Macbook - Computer). Thank You!!!  

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Pictures and Video

  Hopefully this weekend I can upload some more pictures and a video!!!

hope so :slight_smile: nice anyway but

hope so :slight_smile: nice anyway but you should make a better describe on it… what it does etc? :smiley:


add some more photos, what mcu did you use? everything :smiley:

Scratch head

Heh, what exactly is it? What does it do?