M1mini Robotic Shark of DOOM

M1mini Robotic Shark of DOOM

This is an FPV nerf dart robot I built to specs (must be under 15" x 15" x 15" and maximium of 10lbs) for a wrestlemania style Robot Fight at a Bar/Arcade in Chicago, IL

-Arduino Mega

-RF Transciever for connecting/recieving controls from wireless XBOX controller

-FPV Camera

-Laser under the barrel for targeting

-Ultrasonic sensor above the barrel for checking distance to target

-OLED display for tracking ammo and distance to target

-Multiple selectable firing modes, single shot light, 3 round burst light, Single shot Heavy, 3 round burst Heavy, Full-Auto
*Note, Light firing mode resticts the rev up time on the flywheel mechanism so the darts don't sting as bad*

-2 wheel design with 3rd castor wheel to reduce weight (12v 60RPM High Torque Motors)

-Servo controls up and down movement, side to side aiming is done with robot steering

-Firing Mechanism uses a Limit switch/motor/relay combo to check pusher arm positioning and to reset pusher arm after pushing a dart through the flywheel configuration.

-Its a fricken Robotic land Shark with a fricken targeting Lazer *checks off bucket list item*

M1 and M1mini, two robots I've created in the past 9 months.

M1mini's Standard combat loadout, 35round nerf drum magazine. The idea was to distract the other robot controller with a volley of Foam Darts so M1mini can close the gap and force the other robot out of bounds.

M1mini full loadout(final form) the front bumpers were an attempt to deflect and flipper bot's lifting arm. The tank tracks give a lot more pushing power although reducing the overall speed and manueverability.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/m1mini-robotic-shark-of-doom

Mad Max

This is what a robot would look like in the Mad Max universe. Nicely done.

Pretty cool!

Same as Karel, I’m wondering about how you built it and what technologies you’re using :slight_smile:


Totally! :smiley: Maybe I need to strap a G.I.Joe to the hood haha