Lynxmotion smart servo setup

I am trying to initialize some Lynxmotion smart servos for the 4DOF arm.

Each servo blinks red, green , red when they are turned on.

Whenever I connect it says

The selected servo is a meta-servo; it does not have configurations or telemetry.

I think that means it is in RC mode. (?) I try to update the firmware and it says

Port not responding: unable to send UPDATE
Exiting firmware update mode; LSS may need a hard reset

The button on the servo does nothing, whether I press it or I hold it. The button flow chart seems very confusing to me.

@georgeecollins Welcome to the RobotShop Community. Let’s start by verifying what you’d like to do, which hardware you have and which software you’re using. If you are planning to use the servo in serial mode, you really don’t need to use the button menu. As you indicated, when the servo is switched on, regardless of mode, it will color cycle.

Let’s proceed one servo at a time - it sounds like you want to update the firmware? If so, not knowing which mode the servo is in:

This can only be done in serial mode, not RC model. To ensure you’re in serial mode, disconnect all but one servo from the LSS adapter, but keep power from the wall adapter connected. You should only have the USB, XT60 and one servo wired to the LSS Adapter. Turn the wall adapter off (servo should shot off). Press the button on the servo, keeping it pressed, then switch the power on. It should cycle through the colors then go to yellow (indicating firmware mode). You can take let go of the button.

Within the LSS Config software, select the right COM port and update the firmware. Wait until the update is complete and proceed this way for each servo.

If this is not what you want to do, don’t connect anything and simply describe what you want to do. If you’re not sure of the state of each servo, connect only ONE servo to the LSS Adapter, open the LSS Config software, select the appropriate COM port and see if it connects.

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Thank you very much for your help! Here is what I am trying to do: I got a lynxmotion 4DOF arm servo kit and I am trying to assign servo ID#s to the various servos before I assemble it.

Thanks to your help I was able to get a servo into blinking yellow light mode. I believe what I was doing wrong before was either not having the button off when the power was turned on or not having it plugged into the LSS.

I took my servo with a blinking light and updated the firmware. This seemed to work… no errors reported by the software, but the servo continued to blink yellow. Also, the servos are listed in LSS software as LSS-None and LSS All. No numbered servo in the pull down menu, even after another scan. All the specific controls for the servo are greyed out and there is no way to change the servo ID. I can send a link to a screenshot if that would be helpful.

I have tried to do this on two different Windows 10 computers and I suspect I am having a problem with the COM port. When I plug the LSS into each computer, in the Device Manager an “other device” appears FT232R USB UART which I think is the LSS card. Is that normal, I think I would want to see a COM device being instantiated by Windows?

I have used a SSC-32 servo controller to run a hexapod using dumb servos driven by a raspberry PI using Python code. I am wondering if I should just abandon the LSS software on Windows and try to speak to the card with normal serial commands, but that may mean I haven’t updated the firmware.

Thank you very much for your help and patience.

After the update, it seems the servos stayed in RC mode. You really will need to follow the button menu to get them back to serial one at a time:

Connect only ONE servo to the LSS Adapter, connect to the PC via USB, connect the power supply to the LSS Adapter and power it. The servo should cycle through the colors and show you which mode it’s in. Once finish, press the button and release, then press twice and the LED should turn blue. Press again once to confirm. Wait a second or two then power cycle, and connect to the computer and open the LSS Config software - select the appropriate COM port and it should appear.