Hi @xan and @zenta (and others) - I will hopefully have a chance to play some with the servos in the next day or two… Giving them some time to air out… Sorry I know I am being paranoid, but…
I am planning on over time hopefully work with the hexapod a couple of different ways electronically.
For the first round, I am probably going to use a Teensy. Probably first round I will do with a Teensy 4.1… Which is in beta now, but by the beta rules, I can not show any pictures… More details about it up on PJRC forum thread (https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/60532-Teensy-4-1-Beta-Test)
I have two boards sitting here that I did a quick and dirty design for, that I need to get going on soldering them up… Although at first I could simply use any T4.x and use the adapter board, to do the conversion to 5v for Serial ports.
The simpler version looks sort of like:
I believe almost all Teensy boards would work with this one, I would need to double check, but would probably use either T3.6 or T4.1 (or T4 with a castellated solder on board FRDM4236 which gives the T4 the same footprint as T3.6 or T4.1…
But with T4.1 or 3.6 the 5 pins can be hooked up for USB Host code… Where I probably will use a PS3 controller to start off with. I like PS4s better but mine appears to have a dead battery. Can use several different ones by plugging BT into USB…
Edit: If I remember correctly the yellow pins are setup with Arduino shield spacing so one could plug in something like an XBee shield.
Again is like the previous one mentioned, but was adapted from a board that supports Robotis Dynamixel Servos. A sort of nice feature of this one is that I have IO pins in place to allow me to plug in an Adafruit ST7735 or ST7789 display right below the speaker and would probably use the small ST7789 display (I have a couple of them)…
Longer term, will probably want to try moving to ROS (probably ROS2). Probably use RPI4. Maybe use UP board or Odroid ?
Or we could all have some fun and try one of the NVIDIA boards like:
Although I don’t know if they are supported by ROS, but might be great for any image processing one might want to do.
But first I should work on walking before trying to run!