I have three LSS-HT1 motors attached to a robot connected to an LSS Adapter board.
I am using an Arduino Mega to communicate and I have connected pins 14 and 15 of the Mega to pins 0 and 1 of the Adapter board. (They are side by side and not used as a shield)
I am using the LSS library for Arduino and since all examples are using only one motor, I want to double-check if what I am doing is correct.
The basic infrastructure for the LSS is as follows (the entire sketch is wayyy to long - I am just pasting the LSS portions)
#include <LSS.h>
#define LSSTx 14 //LSS Serial3
#define LSSRx 15 //LSS Serial3
#define LSS_ID (0)
#define LSS_BAUD (19200)
LSS M4 = LSS(1);
LSS M5 = LSS(2);
LSS M6 = LSS(3);
In setup()
LSS::initBus(Serial3, LSS_BAUD);
`indent preformatted text by 4 spaces`
Now – in the loop, I can easily write
to move a specific motor
However, M6 is a gripper and as previously instructed, I want to use the move and hold if current reaches X command.
So … how do I do it with the LSS Library?
Or, can I just use:
Serial3.println ("#3D450CH300");
while bypassing the library and writing directly?
( I apologize if this has been addressed elsewhere - I looked but couldn’t find anything)