LR3 & DFI -laser or IR

I read the blog post about the difference between these DFI sensors.

But it remained unclear to me if one is better than the other, if there are clear advantages to replacing the IR sensors with a laser sensor? And is the laser sensor compatible with LR3 without WiFi function?

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Hi @Leif !

That is a good question.

DFI sensor with laser is the improved and more reliable version compared to DFI sensor with IR.

But, DFI sensor with laser is not compatible with circuit boards without WiFi chip.

You would have to upgrade your robot with Upgrade Connect Kit. Note that now, Upgrade Connect Kits that we sell, will accept both versions of DFI sensors.

Feel free to ask anything else.

Thank you.
A follow-up question. Could you go into a little more detail about what this reliability might mean in practice?

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Hi @Leif and thank you for your reply.

Older DFI sensor had several IR sensors (receivers and transmitters) on two circuit boards, and because of that, there is more chance that some component will fail and that the sensor will not work properly.

Newer DFI has only one laser head on one circuit board. Also, if there is an issue with reading through this laser head, it should be enough to clean gently laser head, to reset the sensor and to re-calibrate it.

Is there plans for laser sensors also to LR3 without WiFi connection?

It seems a bit unnecessary to need to invest to replacement of circuit board to get more reliable function of DFI, especially if one doesn’t have a need for WiFi connection.

The LR3 is a costly investment with or without WiFi connection, so the default value at the time of acquisition is that the maintaining optimal performance would not be unreasonably expensive.

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We don’t have that information still from the manufacturer.

Would it be possible that you would take this question to the manufacture?
I believe me not to be the only one with this opinion that it is unnecessary to have to need to upgrade just for to get the more reliable function of DFI.

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Yeah @Leif, we can ask them. Thank you.

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