Low cost Quadruped Project. 17 degrees of freedom (SG90) slot together laser cut robot

Hi All, I'm a newbie to the site but thought I'd Upload a CAD image of the quadruped I've just finished. Thoughts?


Ok some initial construction images - the cable management needs some serious work!  The white acrylic version was an initial test of leg construction.  Am working on 15 degrees of freedom on first models (3 per leg) 3 for neck and head.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/low-cost-quadruped-project-17-degrees-of-freedom-sg90-slot-together-laser-cut-robot

Love it! I need to see it

Love it! I need to see it constructed now. Stat! :slight_smile:

Great work

Nice and simple, that’s the key, and light.

Well done,
