Long distance remote control app


I'm making a remote controlled robot for school and I wan't to controll it with an app.

What would be the best way and the longest distance you can do with an app?

My vote

is wi-fi.

app for phone? If you run

app for phone?  If you run both the robot and app off wifi your range is limitless.  Anyware internet is availible.  If range doent need to be huge, bluetooth could work.

yes for phone.If you’re

yes for phone.

If you’re using wifi, do you need a special receiver or does a RF receiver work aswell?


Bluetooth has a range of 8-15m, really low current costs(5-70mA).Perfect for small text controls, awful error control but robust and easy connection.Cheap chip available.

Wi-Fi has a range of 20-100m, but eats up 200-2000mA, plus it may get the phone hot, lowering battery performance.High data band rate, so you can get also video, audio.

3G has country range, eats 100-1000mA, but it requires two phones and both with a data plan.It does fine for text messages and audio 8bit, but not video streaming. High awesome factor.

Hobby radio RF, range of 40-100m, consumes less than wifi, but more than Bluetooth, no error checking or frequency hopping, no pairing control, cheap chips available.

I prefer bluetooth for control, wifi for video streaming, 3g for camping or no friendly wifi, RF for drones.

Learn to work with wifi

Is there any forum post or article that explains how I can work with wifi and to program the app on my phone to work with wifi?

plenty of examples

Search for “TCP chat android”.
TCP it’s a protocol which it’s used for the web

