LMR is Shutting Down!



It's a sad, sad day. After four great years, Let's Make Robots is closing up. 

Operating expenses have risen, and the site has gotten so big. Some of you may have noticed performance problems of late. This is due to the load on the hosting site, which is donated by a generous LMR member. It's kept LMR online for four years, but it is just no longer adequate. 

Frits will be making an official announcement soon, but he gave me the OK to share this now, as LMR has always been very transparent about our business.

And now for the worst part...



April Fools!

Seriously, just kidding. However, if you are reading this, please take a moment to read below. 

It is true that the LMR site is getting old, and we need to develop a newer version. We are trying to raise money to do this. Great news:are sponsoring, and we are making a draw. All _you_ need to do, isEnter here, and donate 5$(or what you can spare) before 1st of May 2012, and you will have the chance to win one of these:


Grove - Motor Shield


Seeeduino V3.0

Grove - Starter Kit

Seeeduino ADK Main Board

DSO Nano v2

Thanks to Seeed for these cool prizes. Remember who is cool.Theyare cool. 

OH! And if you are a very talented person, please help us with the challenge of making a robotthat makes the drawing between all donaters. (No, you cannot make it draw you deliberately, but it's OK if you win, as long as it's fair :)


that’s what i thought

Aaahhaaaa… I was going to

Aaahhaaaa… I was going to do something similar, but was afraid it wasn’t 100% transalatable :smiley:

I did, however, tell my boss that on behalf of the company (in which I have no mandate like this) I had hired an old friend to come work with me. As a part graphical designer / part therapist. I told on the Intranet that I had just used a standard formular, and he was hired to start imidiadetly :smiley:

OK, that might not translate well, but it was funny: A few “wft” mails flew by :smiley:

I would say it translates just fine.


Good one frits. :slight_smile:



Good One, LOL…
I almost bought the whole darned thing too, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

LOL i actually believed it!

LOL i actually believed it!

May that day never come.

May that day never come.

Swallowed Whole

OK, OK, I believed it too.  Swallowed it whole.  I think this is just ‘payback’ for that little joke I made about Maker’s Faire.

           Burned on April Fool’s Day, how will I live down the shame,



                                           Hal  (kingart3)


That’s the most depressing thing i heard

Since I had my sense of humor shot off in the war.

Sorry if I worried any of

Sorry if I worried any of you. All in good fun!