LMR is going to Maker Faire NYC 2011

Though I did just remember

Though I did just remember that he currently does not fair well in the sunlight. I will have to see if I can work that out or not.


I probably just need to make something to block the sun from interfering with the sensors.

If you need help setting up, let me know!

I’ll be arriving at EWR Friday afternoon (touchdown around 3pm) and this vacation is all about Maker Faire, so I can go straight to the NY Hall of Science to help if needed.

There might be some presentations that I would like to see during the faire, and I also need to go around and see all the other interesting projects, but I’ll be happy to hang out at the table the rest of the time and I’m planning on being there both Saturday and Sunday.

I’ll see if I can manage to get my little bot completed and bring it.

Hurray! That’s awesome. Some

Hurray! That’s awesome. Some time watching the table would be great. I don’t want to be stuck there 100% of the time either. They’ll be so much stuff to see! 

Maybe I’ll be able to bring

Maybe I’ll be able to bring along my Symet. I’m gonna leave on Sunday so I may be able to drop it off Saturday morning and retrieve it Saturday night?

Sure! No problem.

Sure! No problem.

It’s a shame that flights to

It’s a shame that flights to the US still don’t come for free, or I would’ve made it.
If someone from the Netherlands is going, let me know if you have a big suitecase I can hide out in :slight_smile: I’ll take care of your robots on the plane ok? 

The closest thing to a maker faire we had in the Netherlands doesn’t exist anymore, so we have to work with online communities such as LMR.

i’ll stop by

I will  stop by. 

I hope to have a new little wall bumper finished in time to play in the robot day care corral. work permitting.

Sorry, Benji! We’ll take

Sorry, Benji! We’ll take lots of pictures and video of the event to share!

Excellent. Bring your robot

Excellent. Bring your robot by the LMR table if you can.

They say if you have a goal

They say if you have a goal you want to keep, be sure to tell someone else about it. Last night on Make: Live! I told a whole bunch of people that LMR would be at MakerFaire NYC. So the more people who can contribute or stop by, the better. We are doing this. 

Thanks for all the replies so far! 

I say with some of that

I say with some of that money that LMR has, I think a banner should be made. The banner could be shipped to people for events like this.

I had this one made for my solar competition. It cost about $20 locally made and would have had trim around the edges if we had time to let them do it, but we had it made last minute.


I agree some good signage

I agree some good signage would be an excellent idea. A banner would be good to attach in front of the table.

I also have a friend who can do cool 3D layered posters, like this one she created for an event we did at the Steampunk Worlds Fair.

That’s all foam poster board and paper. I may ask for her help to create something with Let’s Make Robots and the logobot.

How do you think the

How do you think the lighting will be there?

Not sure. We might be

Not sure. We might be outside. I’ll try to find out.

Hey, would you like to

Hey, would you like to include Farrusco on LMR Maker Faire?  :D

Sure! PM me and we’ll

Sure! PM me and we’ll discuss details.

Planning page for NYC Maker Faire

Is there a possibility of having a page of some sort where we can organize our presense at the World Maker Faire in NYC?

I’m fairly new here on LMR, so maybe I just havenøt looked good enough, but maybe something like a wiki page, where everyone can edit.

Things that should go on the page are:

 - Who is attending
 - What needs to be done (and who does it)
 - Which bots will be on display (and who will bring)

and probably more… 

It’s a good thought.

It’s a good thought. However, the structure of the LMR site doesn’t support a wiki, or pages that multiple authors can contribute to.

So at the moment, this page is it. I’ve updated the post based on your suggestion. I’ll add moreinfo as we collect it in the comments.

Thanks for prompting me to do this. 

I hope I’ll be coming! It’s

I hope I’ll be coming! It’s in flux depending on if I can get enough money for the shipping of robots and the train (or plane, but that probably is uber expensive). But I do have somewhere to sleep for free, so that cuts the cost a lot :3


I’ll probably get my own table, if lucky enough on my application, but we can be right next to each other if we ask, maybe! Planning to show off the robot mesh network and some other things :wink: Can’t wait to see peeps there… ROBOTS!


Other things to be done

Ok, cool, I’ll just post ideas and let you moderate and put it in the main description.

Branding efforts:

 - Banner (if we can figure out the size of the table, I’ll be happy to do a design. Ideas are of course welcome. If someone knows a good place to have them done stateside, that’s probably better and cheaper than bringing it from DK)
 - T-shirts/Polo shirts (I’ll also try to make a design, that can be ironed on to any t-shirt or polo)


 - Possibility of sending stuff to the States prior to the faire.
 - Getting stuff to the faire
 - Where to keep stuff overnight
 - Getting things back to people that has lent their bots.