LMR 1 year old Birthday Speech!

I hope so …

I spent about five hours on it lol



Wow, Im amazed, I think you
Wow, Im amazed, I think you are leading the race :?


@Matt: Could you scan that in at a reasonabbly high resolution, then it could be added to the logo kit thingy as a wallpaper for windows.

I think tht’s ace. Well worth the five hours spent on it. Definately “arty”. If that doesn’t win I’ll eat my bot - and post a picture of me doing it.


3361 DOTs

3360 tiles plus one:

Here's "The Making Of":


Is it enough dots? Do I need to transfer it onto paper? Without using a printer? Ouch!

Number of tiles in the Mosaic: 3360 (Total 3360 pieces)
Size (pixel): 1280x720
Average Difference of Mosaic compared to the original Image (higher values means less quality): 856437
How much can I modify every tile: 14%
Minimum distance between duplicate tiles: 1
Minimum distance between sequences: 0
Algorithm: 1

wow! here I was thinking I had alot of dots! Mattmitch and gimmelotsarobots have tons of dots


Jackson Pollock eat your heart out


New Name

@rik - I hereby re-name you OddDot



thanks, I have it scanned in at 300 dpi but it was a 17 mb file If you want it go here (do what you want with it I’ll put it under creative commons when this contest is over:)


I may have been born

I may have been born yesterday … but I’ve been up all night !



You win, no doudbt about that!

The world’s best motto: When all else fails, use a bigger hammer.

Fritsl, it’s 23h40 here!And

Fritsl, it’s 23h40 here!

And 5h42AM in Danmark right now.

So by finishing it in the evening, you mean what time exactly?


"IF (against all ods) we should be in doubt about who has made the most dots on a sheet of paper, we will have to ask some nerd in here to make an apparatous that can count the dots. So there you go, the dots has to be individual and clear enough for the dot-reader to see!"


Aren’t we all nerds? lol :stuck_out_tongue:

approx 12 hours from this.
approx 12 hours from this. 20:00 CET

I got two hours to go… Maybe I should have started earlier… Ah well…

I would be about to close

I would be about to close the competition… but is anyone still in / making something?

Sorry for the lose rules, but freaking timezones just makes slack necessary.

7 hours in the making…

7 hours in the making… don’t ask me to count!

Oh and please, where there are pencil-dots, zoom in, there are a lot more than what you can see unzoomed!


Wow, an unexpected match!I

Wow, an unexpected match!

I was expecting something like max 100 dots on a piece of paper, I kinda feel terible that I only have one price with so much efford!

mattmitch & Nigma : May I ask you to mail me your images in a higner resolution? My mail address is

frits at gmail.com

Fritsl, I just came back

Fritsl, I just came back RUSHING from my step-parents house because I couldn’t find the damn USB cable for my camera, so I had it scanned.

I got a 90MB version and a 30MB version ASIDE from the one submited.

However, I can’t go back right now since I’m waiting for an important call starting at 2PM here (starting now).

I can send it later though, in about 4 hours once I get back there (I know that emans midnight at your place… sorry), since everyone is watching the Super Bowl (I go for the wings!) Hopefully that’s not too much of a wait to get the full resolution.




And good luck, Mitch. :wink:

No prob, I’ll just wait till
No prob, I’ll just wait till I get 2 images in total :slight_smile: