Little Drum Machine

Thanks. I am too (though I

Thanks. I am too (though I play Pearl :), and I though the exact same thing when I saw Frits’ video :slight_smile:


A continuous joy to read and

A continuous joy to read and watch!

Thank you so much for sharing and entertaining!

And how DID we ever survive without hot-glue-gun? (Wait till you try to just mount things in 3D space with it, you can leave out your brother completely next time :wink:

/ Fritsl

Lol, just saw your latest

Lol, just saw your latest video - extreme drumming, dude!! Radical!

/ Fritsl

its amazing, the robot its

its amazing, the robot its far far better that i could imagin.

I wold love if you could share the electronic you used on it…


Hehe, yeah, he decides his

Hehe, yeah, he decides his own tempo for each beat, and sometimes he gets pretty frantic :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for the kind

Thanks a lot for the kind words. What exactly do you mean by electronics? In the description above I listed most of the parts I used (Arduino Diecimilla microcontroller, SRF05 ultrasonic rangefinder, Pololu Micro Dual Serial Motor Controller, Solarbotics GM3 motors for tank treads, Solarbotics GM10 motors for drumstics, Hitec HS-81 servo for looking left and right). Is there anything else you want to know about that I didn’t mention?


The sound controler, micro,

The sound controler, micro, recorder board, and speaker controler.

what is it based on? and how did u controled it?


Ahh, yeah. I used Radio

Ahh, yeah. I used Radio Shack part number 276-1323. If you look on Frits’ YDM page, he links to a similar board that he used. The one I used comes with a microphone, speaker, and a record button on wires that you can easily cut and attach to whatever you want (I left the microphone as it is, replaced the speaker with a bigger one on the top of the robot, and wired the record button to my microcontroller. The playback button was harder because it was right on the PCB itself, so I played around a bit, following the traces on the PCB and measuring things with my voltmeter, and I noticed that all I had to do to trigger the playback was to short one side of the switch to ground. So I soldered a wire onto the PCB and connected that wire to another I/O pin on my Arduino. When the Arduino starts out, it sets both the Record pin and the Playback pin to HIGH, which makes the board think that neither of the two buttons is pressed. When I want to trigger playback, I set the Playback pin to LOW and then back to HIGH, which connects it to ground and makes the board think that someone pushed the button. Triggering the recording function is the same thing, just set the Record pin to LOW and then back to HIGH.



Can you make a list of the materials used, not tools, or is that too much?


“… individuals can expect a miracle to happen to them at the rate of about one per month.”

-Littlewood’s Law


i love the look of the last
i love the look of the last fotos… specialy the sparkfun arduino shield… =D

Boy, your sticks are

Boy, your sticks are long!

/ Fritsl

I want to know why your

I want to know why your sticks are so long!

And off topic; What is happening with your bullybot? I want to see it shoot some!


L923D motor drivers

Hi Dan,

Nice!! :slight_smile:

I am using the arduino as well. Did you know there is a motor driver shield for it, you can order an assembly kit here . It’s quite costly though… 20 Eur compared to 22 Eur for the arduino…

I was wondering: would I need a shield for each L293D ? And how come just 2 L293Ds are enough? I read that each can control 2 motors (is this correct?), and you have 6 motors in total. Are you not using one for the drumsticks? Then how do they come back? Springs?

edit: there are indeed springs in the little motors, that’s why no L293D is needed for the 3 drumsticks - thanks fritsl for the information.

Thanks for sharing!


My sticks are perfect.

My sticks are perfect. They’re just the way God made them! (Also they look like the smokestacks on a truck)




:DLook again, man… The


Look again, man… The truck sticks are half the lenght! (relative etc)

Can you make a schematic for
Im having trouble soldering wires to the playback button of the radioshack recorder module

Hi! I´m looking at your

I´m looking at your Little Drum Machine for the first time after 6 weeks of being at LMR… and I just want to congrat you!

I thought this kind of stuff would be impossible to do with Arduino but seems that I was very wrong!!! :slight_smile:

Very good job Sir!!! :slight_smile:

I´ve read your explanation of coding a drum routine, wich makes a huge sense, but I can´t translate it into code, I´m a bit noob with code… …would it be possible if you could give me a simple code example, so I could start making my drum routines?

thanks :slight_smile:

I will see if I can find
I will see if I can find solutions looking into this forum topic :slight_smile:

looks awesome
Love the work you did on your drum machine. It looks great.