Litter Robot 3 Connect Onboard fail at last step

Thank you this information and advice @andreiglotov

Since we are not manufacturers or developers of Litter Robot, we can only send them these suggestions.

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Thank you this was a god send. Airplane mode in the exact sequence you mentioned and finally got this silly thing to connect! RobotSupport please update your user guide with these exact directions for Android users!!!


OMG THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! I just received a second base for the Litter Robot and was starting to have the same issues as before. I did what you recommended and it’s finally working :sob::raised_hands:t3::sob::raised_hands:t3: So frustrating tho!


Thanks for this post. I used my mobile data, and requested my phone to forget my wifi, and it magically worked. Before, this attempt, I tried everything in the book such as reset my router, and unplug the litter box. I do hope that they include this technique with their support staff and their troubleshooting bot system.