Litter locker 3 Flashing red light


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.

I have started to have flashing red light error on unit.
It has happened 3 or 4 times now.
I don’t believe the unit to be overloaded and I don’t believe cats are staying in the unit for long.
I can reset / clear the issue but it seems to have started occurring intermittently in last few weeks.
Could there be a problem with the sensor - is it possible to replace this part?

5e unit was purchased in October 2019


Thank you so much in advance for your help!

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Hi @jkevens and welcome to our forum.

If the troubleshooting didn’t help (Litter-Robot III Open Air - Red Blinking Light) then probably cat sensor should be replaced.

It can be bought here:

It can be replaced using this video:

If you bought it from RobotShop, please provide your order ID.

My order is is 909736 - might I be sent a replacement part under warranty? Thanks.

Yes it can.

We will transfer this topic to our internal support so we can do this.

Thank you.

This topic was transferred to internal RobotShop Support.