line follwer

it can follow a black line and it has the capability to controll it's speed according to the curve it is going to pass.

it also can handle right angle turn too. I have applied ATMEGA8 and the PCB is double sided.

  • Control method: automatic
  • CPU: atMega8
  • Power source: 2 cellphone battery!
  • Sensors / input devices: IR sensors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

ha, well good job! what kind of sensors?

only four IR sensors,uln2003
only four IR sensors,uln2003 for driving 2 gearboxing motors,some resistors.and capacitor for reducung noise.that’s all.

Nice :slight_smile: Why didn’t you cut
Nice :slight_smile: Why didn’t you cut sensors’ legs? They shouldn’t be so long…

(No subject)
