Line Follower Robot

This is the first robot I made in toy motors and all from scratch. It is a robot that follows the white line on the black surface.

To keep the design simple the robot does not have much of components, it works using two motors and two transistors.

Refer the attached file for full details of the robot.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Wow, no CPU? Smooth!I could

Wow, no CPU? Smooth!

I could never do that!!

/ Frits



I am new in robotics and very interested to build a line follower robot so please help me !!!

please send me more information like circuit diagram and parts list.

Thanks a lot


[email protected]

As I said before when you
As I said before when you posted this exact same thing. USE GOOGLE. THERE ARE KITS YOU CAN BUY AND LINKS TO PARTS LISTS AND FULL EXPLANATIONS ON HOW TO BUILD ONE. You don’t need to reply to every line follower post and ask the same question. The answer is already out there and detailed for you. You just have to ask google.

Check out the included
Check out the included attachments on his post…circuit diagram is there…