Line detection routine too slow PICAXE 18X chip setfreq m8

Hi All,

I am currently working on code for my latest project being a sumobot style line detector. its actually my first wave before implementing a full scale sumobot. I have one issue currently that is bugging me and that has to do with the speed at which i am detecting and responding to the presence of a line. I have included my code below for general review and hints as to what I can change to make the line detection almost immediate.


Here is my code


setfreq m8

symbol LeftEye = 2

symbol RightEye = 1


symbol LeftWheelA = 7

symbol LeftWheelB = 6


symbol RightWheelA = 5

symbol RightWheelB = 4


; initialize default forward movement

low LeftWheelA

high LeftWheelB

low RightWheelA

high RightWheelB

pause 5000 ;5 second wait before starting up



readadc  LeftEye,b1

readadc RightEye,b2


sertxd("L (",#b1,") R (",#b2,")",13,10)

pause 500


if b1<50 OR b2 < 50 then ; determine if left eye or right eye sees a black line

gosub StopMoving

wait 1

gosub gobackward

wait 3

gosub StopMoving

wait 1

if b1 > b2 then

gosub turnleft


gosub turnright

end if

wait 2

gosub StopMoving

wait 1

gosub goforward

end if

goto main




low LeftWheelA

low LeftWheelB

low RightWheelA

low RightWheelB




low LeftWheelA

high LeftWheelB

low RightWheelA

high RightWheelB




high LeftWheelA

low LeftWheelB

high RightWheelA

low RightWheelB




high LeftWheelA

low LeftWheelB

low RightWheelA

high RightWheelB




low LeftWheelA

high LeftWheelB

high RightWheelA

low RightWheelB






May have to do with those huge pauses

First off, I would get rid of the sertxd stuff. Great for testing, but no need if the bot is performing (and not plugged into a computer). But the main thing here is just after that sertxd command, you have a 1/2 second pause. Even at 8mhz, you are looking at a 1/4 second pause, everytime through the loop. That means at best, you are taking less than 4 readings (well, 8 really --two sensors) every second. Get rid of that <pause 500>, my friend.

Any chance we could get more information?

You say you want your robot to react faster, but, you don’t say how long it takes to react now. A video would proably be helpful.

Sorry no video yet, but the
Sorry no video yet, but the response time was such that it would pass the line without registering . I did a stationary test by placing a finger over the eyes and it took almost 2 seconds before responding.

I removed the pause 500 and
I removed the pause 500 and the code to display the text and
That worked . Thanks a lot chris