Light seeking robot v.2 "Dronzer"

so as you can see the robot is bassically the same as the first light seeking robot "dronzy".But when i was showing it to my grandma, she was proud of me but she told me that i should add a body so then i scavenged through my recycle bin to look for a box small enough to put the robots parts like the arduino , 6v battery , 9v battery, servos,etc


So i making a tutorial series on how i made the robot "Dronzer".Okay in this video i show what you actually need to make this trying to make it  simple because the body is just a cardboard box and its not too expensive what you basically have to buy is an Arduino Uno, Prototyping shield, 6v battery , 9v battery, servos, photoresistors and the total amont should be about 40$ CAD.


light seeking

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 continuous rotation servos
  • CPU: Arduino
  • Power source: 6v battery and 9v battery
  • Sensors / input devices: 2 photoresistors (LDR)

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