Letsmakerobots - motor is not spinning

i have created the simple circuit using breadboard to blink led every 5 sec using microcontroller.

it works well and the led flashes out for 5 sec.

i want to use motor in the circuit.

but if i place the motor in place of led,the motor does not spin.

is the enough current not passing from microcontroller to motor or i have to use additional components like transistor/mosfets etc.

however if i connect the motor to 1.5 v cell battery separately,it spins well.

Can you help me what could be the reason the motor is not spinning ?

Your microcontroller pins can not supply enough current.

If you are lucky, you have not damaged your chip. You will need at a bare minimum a transistor circuit capable of handling your motor’s current demand. For example, a smallish dc motor will require say a minimum of 50mA. Your microcontroller pins can, at best, offer 40mA.

If you could/would, please put the LED back in the circuit on the same pin and let us know if it still blinks.

This might be what you’re looking for.

See this: http://www.oomlout.com/oom.php/products/ardx/circ-03

It contains a set-up tutorial to run a motor from an Arduino for beginners. I think there’s one problem in the schematic though - you don’t need the resistor that goes to Pin 9.

Why this transistor?

This is the transistor the tutorial suggests:



... I'm just wondering what it is in the datasheet that says it is appropriate to boost the current to an acceptable level (is it the 600mA Collector Current)?