LetsmakeRobots inspired

First ever robot made by me.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/letsmakerobots-inspired

Cool! :DVideo!?

Cool! :smiley:


Working on it
Working on the vid but the program code is still not perfected. Was inspired from your start up guide of creating a robot.

The robot is looking the

The robot is looking the wrong way! He’s missing out on the girl in her underwear behind him!

Cool bot :slight_smile:


It’s a girlie-robot, that’s
It’s a girlie-robot, that’s why!

Yah he is because he is

Yah he is because he is still not program right. Maybe later he will be only looking at the screen. LOL


Ouch! but hey who says
Ouch! but hey who says robot has to have gender unless you want it to have one.

What is the frame of the

What is the frame of the robot made of? It looks sort of like lego but I don’t think that it is.



Yah it is tamiya universal
Yah it is tamiya universal plates. I was gonna do plexie glass but it wil take time to do that and beside its a bit cheaper and also easier to put things on the plates.

HAH! Funny,At first when I

HAH! Funny,

At first when I looked at it I though you screwed a couple of breadboards together with standoffs, so you could have 2 decks for electronic experimentation !

Great bot!


** EHI!!! This is my robot!**



This is my robot!

Oh, ehm… maybe not…My robot use SRF05, not infrared :stuck_out_tongue:

Aside from this,really look like mine… :wink:


(ok ok, I don’t use tamiya universal plates butwood)