Let's make... sound!

hi.. I've just take a little speaker from a radio. there are 2 little cables, one for ground, pin for the other.. when I connect them there's a noise sound that stops when there are properly connect.. I've connect it on pin 1. but when I upload some code.. like

main: let b0=b0+1
sound 1,(b0,50)
goto main

nothing happen.. can anyone help please? ._.



there is a little mistake on this photo... ground is pin and pin is ground ... ground is on left.. I know.. xD .. it doesn't work T_T T_T

I need a picture to make

I need a picture to make sure all is right.

And Labels ("Main:") should always be on a line by themselves, nothing after ":"

And I would start with

sound 1,(b0,5)

(5 instead of 50)

but is there a way (maybe
but is there a way (maybe using some kind of ISD) to play multiple recorded sounds? I’m looking for something like the board the YDM has, but i want it to play and store multiple sounds. Also, is there a way you can record without the microphone (eg: can you bypass the microphone and make that board record the line out of your pc?

If you want more sounds

If you want more sounds playing at the same tme with this board, you will have to get as many boards as you’s like simultanious sounds :slight_smile:

Yes, you can record line out from your PC. However, make sure to turn the volume almost all the way down.

actually i didn’t want to

actually i didn’t want to play simultaneous sounds, but just different sounds i can play at different times (pre recorded and non-volatile). but i guess the same idea applies… thank you :slight_smile:


PS: it doesn’t have to necessarily be that board. is there any other cheap( :smiley: ) option?

(No subject)

VMusic2 MP3 module

Order Code: USB030

The VMusic2 MP3 player module is a product which not only lets you add USB Flash disk interfacing to your PICAXE project, but also allows you to play back MP3 and other popular digital music formats directly from a USB flash disk. Only four signal lines plus 5V supply and ground are required to be connected. Commands allow you to play a selected file, as well as control the volume, balance, etc. of the sound channel, and monitor the status of the file being played. Serial or SPI connection.

isn’t there another

isn’t there another solution? the vmusic2 module is both quite big and quite expensive. I have seen that other projects use ISD sound boards which have some kind of “adressing” which i don’t know what it is, but it sounds like playing the audio a certain spot.

This way you could use a single ISD chip to play different sounds.

EG: i record 3 sounds, the 1° is starts at t=0s, the second one starts at t=30s. If i want to play the second sound i “adress” the ISD to 30 seconds. Got what i mean?