Let's Make Robots in the Arduino day London 2017. RobotShop gift



Another year and another exciting Arduino Day is ready (like last year). This year 2017 we visit Arduino Day in London and I bring a modification of  capabilities. You can connect to the camera server in a Rasperry Pi, and see what the robot sees:


mBot with surveillance


So people will interact somehow with the robot and we will publish some pictures and videos from the robot view.

Together RobotShop is sponsoring and Arduino board between all RTs we'll receive for this event, before, during the event and the day after. So get your twitter account, check and enjoy Let's Make Robots twitter and Retweet the posts. We look forward to see your creative RTs and comments around!


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/lets-make-robots-in-the-arduino-day-london-2017-robotshop-gift

Awesome! :smiley:

Hopefully I can participate next year, good luck Francisco.



That’s good Leonardo! I hope it too. You can participate online in this one, check the article and see you around online :wink:

Community Involvement

Really nice you were able to participate! LMR is largely online, but it’s really easy to envision local groups getting together to work on robots and use LMR to share the information, organize events and more.

From online to offline and back


Sure Cole! I was very much an online community believer, but sharing offline is another kind of experience.

The reach you lose offline you gain in deepth. People are friendly and very interested on building, trying to understand and share. It’s great and one can learn many things also on events. Great and a must do whenever possible!