Leo's LiteCar

It's really not easy for me to start,but I am here!
I'm so happy to find this great place,with so many funny friend and robot!
This is my first project from last years which called “LiteCar” , I wish to program my LC running without Delay(); Feeling with a Light Sensor and Fighting with a "Laser Gun".

Project plan:
1,moving action(WASD) by Computer Operator
2,recording its absolute position
3,feedback and maybe some PID? or Balance Filter?
4,Automode:moving by some prepared positions
5,add some other sensor or what else...

Arduino Duemilanove (328)
Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino kit(293D)
HC-05 Master-Slaver Bluetooth Serial Module(Made in China)
Any Mouse(USB/PS2)
2*DC Motor
some switch and Other components


This is my first project from last years,just a test version.



And now it's better



This is a test for Mouse Sensor,arduino reads switch state and X,Y,Z data from Mouse

the lib comes from here:

the wire connection is below

Arduino | Mouse
Pin       | Pin

and the data format


and this is the component of mouse,I replaced the switchs with pins 


this is test for Bluetooth


This is I/O Define




Software by Arduino



Any new Update,I will show later.


I wish to Control my car like this,but I lose my way!

I don't how to calculate this Mouse Data,maybe I need one more Angle Sensor?



Maybe you could explain a

Maybe you could explain a little better what you have here. You’ve left us to piece a lot together by ourselves. Also, in general, blog about whatever you want, but ask for help with specific questions in the forums.

A schematic diagram would be really helpful. I’m assuming you want the mouse to give you data on how far the robot has moved in the X and Y planes. I’ve never interfaced to a mouse before, so this is pretty interesting. Can you share more info on what you have figured out so far and some specifics on where you are stuck?