Lead Screw motor control

I was resently given a very nice lead screw (ball screw) with a bearing on one end and a motor on the other. This motor has 3 wires comeing out of it, one red, one white, and one black. I am trying to figure out how to power this motor, could it require a PWM source, or is there something else it could be.

This is a very expencive assembly, and I really don;t want to fry the motor by hooking the power up wrong.


pictures, numbers, source, links, datasheets?

what does it smell like?

It has several things writen

It has several things writen on it, theres “API-DEL TRAN”, “BRP26AY”, “24VDC”, also stamped onto the metal there is “1206900”, and on a hand writen label there is "26950002 RL"

Also this thing came out of one of the robots that moves silicon wafers around for processor production.

I can’t find any data sheets for it on google. And It smells like white lithium grese (lead screw is covered in it)

Heres a picture of the whole thing

This is the motor I am trying to drive, on the left there are 2 black wires comeing off of it, I think these go to some sort of brakeing mechinism, because when 24V is applied it makes a noise like there is a solenoid. On the right there are the 3 wires that I think drive the motor.

it could be (probably is) a

it could be (probably is) a unipolar stepper motor. You will need a stepper driver to use it. This is very similar to the design used for the z-axis in the reprap 3d printer.

it could also be just a dc motor with three leads (one as a common ground) to make it easier to reverse.

OT: plywood legs?

Forget stepper motors! What’s with the wooden hexapod in the picture? Please post more pictures in a blog post or under “something else”!

Yeah I was thinking that it

Yeah I was thinking that it could be a stepper motor, but it only has 3 leads most stepper I have ever seen have had 4 or more connectors. Does anyone know what the driver circut would look like for only 3 leads. And if it is a stepper could it hurt it if I were to just put a voltage across two of the leads (as if it were just a dc motor).

About the hexapod… one weekend I did something stupid, so I wasn’t allowd to get on the computer, so I was board and I went out into my shop and made that with the things I had. I will make a post about it today, I just have to take some pictures and make some videos.

Actually, looking online, it

Actually, looking online, it seems like 3-lead stepper motors are pretty rare, but I’m pretty certain they exist. If you hook up the power direct between two leads, though, nothing bad will happen, assuming it’s a DC motor or a stepper. If it’s something else, though, no guarantees. If it’s a regular DC, it will turn; if it’s a stepper, it will not turn but it should stall (make it harder to turn manually) while the power is live.

The reason I say it’s probably a stepper motor is that these kind of assemblies are sometimes used to make fairly precise linear movements from circular motion. Still, though, it might be something weird. DC motors are pretty imprecise; the amount they turn changes with the age of the motor, the current draw, how much other things are drawing current, the load, and a myriad of other factors. Any idea what kind of application this is from/for?

Also, it seems like (from the pictures) there might be another contact with no wire attached to it, opposite of the thick black wire on the bottom. Is that what that is? That would make it a bipolar stepper, which, if you have a picaxe lying around, you could drive like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_F0NyVMXgo . You would need a motor driver chip or a bunch of transistors, though; the one in the video is pretty low power if it can run on the same power as the 5v picaxe.

One more (admittedly far-fetched) possibility: it could be a servo. It looks like there -might- be servo electronics in that little enclosure on the bottom. Probably not, but I guess it’s possible.

that looks to be a plain old

that looks to be a plain old dc motor with a simple encoder on it, there was probably servo circuitry inside the printer to track its exact position. Most new printers and industrial robots use these because over time stepper motors can “loose steps” meaning that there actual position has deviated from the commanded position from overheating or excessive strain, servos get around this problem because the encoder tracks thier actual position for every fraction of a turn, therefore they are able to operate much faster while still maintaining the accuracy. Mostlikely just a plain old Dc motor (a nice one at that :p) with a small encoder.

Take a look at

Take a look at http://www.thomsonlinear.com/website/com/eng/products/clutches_and_brakes/power_off_brake/brp.php. Deltran BRP26 is an electromechanic brake that will let the leadscrew rotate when power is applied and brake it when it is turned off. I found this using google and has no knowledge of the product, so I can’t help you any further than this