Labyrinth tracker robot / fire fighting robot

Im working a fire fighting robot, I use ping ultrasonic range finder sensor, thermal sensor and i also use AT89S51 for the processor. I use SDCC for compiling C program and also use ISP from Atmel module for downloading the programe in to the processor.

this is the base track

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This looks really amazing,

This looks really amazing, some more details and video would be great!

How does your flame detector work? Looks like some LEDs / phototransistors in a red box.

What made you choose an 8051 micro?


-and where is the tracks / base from, it looks like a tank…

wondering same
was about to ask the exact question…what’s your track base? I need one and $60 is too much

i like sandwitch robotspost

i like sandwitch robots

post a video plz



yes it is. it can compares the light of the candle by 27cm range in room area without strong sunlight. but now i use TPA81. it’s a falme detector. the out put is 8 chanel temprature range.

i choose 8051 because in my country 8051 is cheap and the compiler compatible it’s free (I use SDCC for c programming language)

inprogress … hehe!