Kurt's Arduino Mega Shield

That’s a fine BOM Kurt!

A spread sheet would be useful as well.

I think your board will be well received.

Yeah, let them snap their own header strips…

Alan KM6VV

Thats great! looking forward to more.

Can i order a set at seeedstudio?

Yep as far as I am concerned. I am simply doing it to have fun and everything is open book/source…

Warning: But again while I have tried to make sure I have everything in the right spot, such that it will properly plug into an Arduino Mega. But until I get them back and build one, well… Since you also have Diptrace, you can also double check as well.

Assuming the design works, it will also be interesting to see if Seed Studio will kit them up, with all of the appropriate parts. I still need to go through my supply of parts and make an order to Digikey and maybe Sparkfun.


Good thanks
no seeedstudio will not populate the board.
I will…!

I may hack it a little to be able to add an IMU to it…
You see me comming… :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like fun!

I should note, that I did a lot of the design and layout using the Sparkfun Eagle libraries. Diptrace has a conversion facility that allows you to import Eagle files and the like. However there is a bug in the current version, which hopefully they release the fixed version soon. But until then, they have a converted version that you can get from the diptrace forum, in the thread:

They also have a copy of the converted eagle files from Adafruit up on the thread: diptrace.com/forum/viewtopic … 6307#p6307
I have it but have not played with it yet.

What I would like to do sometime is to get as many of the 3D images of the different components, such that for example all of the connectors show up… I have seen a few examples of boards with these type of connectors, but so far I have not seen any files that I can download that contain them…

Again have fun… You may need to change the text on the board to Eric’s…

I uploaded an XLS file. Let me know if anyone needs an older file file format…


EDIT: I updated to an XLS file. Also changed some of the part numbers to what I ordered. In particular resistors are from cut tape, not from roll… Also diode get replaced to newer one they now stock and I forgot earlier to mention you will need shunts to choose voltages and the like…
Arduino Mega Shield BOM.xls (32 KB)


If you are asking where I ordered parts from?
I have 5 boards being fabricated at PCBFabexpress.
I ordered most of the parts from Digi-key - I updated the Digi-key part numbers in the spreadsheet.
I ordered the sockets to plug in XBees into from Sparkfun - did not find part number at digi-key but they may have it… Also ordered a couple more xbees.


OH, sorry! No, just the XLS

The XLS hadn’t shown up yet.



Looks like I need to start soldering :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Oh so nice…!

Looking great!
Good luck with soldering and testing!

Nice look’n board!

Alan KM6VV

Thanks guys.

I am really slow at soldering and not that good at it, but here is the first one:

Here it is with an XBee plugged in.

Got other stuff to do for the rest of today so I probably wont start testing until tomorrow.


Man… put the power on that…!!!

OK :laughing:

I plugged it into my Uno32 board and crossed my fingers and plugged the UNO32 into my USB which powered it up. I am happy to say that so far I have not seen any blue smoke :smiley:.

Have done a few simple tests and so far I have verified that: The 4 LED (D13, plus D38, D40, D42) appear to work. I am putting together my own simple test the shield program and I can blink them. Also tested that I can properly read the 3 buttons I added (39, 41, 43). And I can play notes on the speaker (44).

Will have to wait until tomorrow or so to test the voltage pins to make sure all of them are getting the voltages I expect and then test the different IO pins. Then when I get brave I will plug the XBee back in and start trying it out.


Nice! Now the fun part begin… :smiley:


Have done some more testing this morning. Verified that ground pins connected, also VS and +5V appear to routed correctly. I also verified that I can talk to the PS2. I added PU resistors on pins 46 and 49, knowing that on some PS2s I have had, the internal PU of the arduino was not enough. Also Chipkits (Pic32MX) don’t have PU on most pins and they don’t behave the same… ie they dont turn of if you do: digitalWrite(pin, 1);pinMode(pin, INPUT);

I also wrote a simple test to see if the I2C EEPROM on the board works. It reads the 1 byte, writes a new value, reads it back in and compares that the write took. It then writes the old value back. I do this every once for every 2048 bytes until it fails. I went through the full 64K of the EEPROM and it appears to work :smiley:

I also did some simple tests of the Battery voltage/Analog Input jumpers and code. Had to make some of my test code conditional on AVR as the chipkits analog voltage reference is 3.3V. That works. :smiley: Also found a difference with the Max32 versus the Arduinos I have tested before. When I run on USB power only, the VIN pin has no voltage (on previous AVR boards this gave me the USB voltage). Actually I prefer this way as now when I have servos plugged in and the VL=VS jumper is in place… The board will not try to drive servos when only USB is plugged in. (Assuming VS for the servo power).

That is it for this round of testing…

Now to decide what my next step will be. I could start testing the XBee connections or I could start try using this now on my CHR-3 to see how well it performs. This may take me awhile as I will probably write my own servo library. I will probably start working on the servo code next…

P.S. - I did try plugging the XBEE into the socket and it appears I can talk to it. I was able to use my configure program and configure it. Trying to decide to change the config program to have the XBee in API mode 2 and use XBee Arduino library instead of my own.