K3lso Quadruped (Build thread)

@cbenson I want to use Linear Actuator for the jaw gripper. do you have any feed force feedback?

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I did the Rift with Leapmotion and I would call it a proof-of-concept - as in barely works. That was 3 years ago. I hope they improved the LeapMotion since then. Let me know how it works out for you.

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That is looking bad ass! :slight_smile:

I like the arm that they have on the google dog, that could be useful. I’d also like to see the arm be able to dock into the back to tuck it away - it would look like a spine. When docked the end of the arm would still protrude some to be useful.

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Most of the small linear actuators we carry are from Actuonix, which don’t have any force or current sensing.

A small, flat force sensor mounted on the end would help.
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Thanks for the advice. I find some nice small ones with force sensors I Think. I am in Contact with them now.

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Friday night :beer: and starting to implement cameras from @luxonis. Some design changes to make the cameras FOV not to interface with the covers.

Gripper planning, I think a flex joint is needed which lets the gripper go up when on the ground. hm let see

#k3lso #quad #quadruped #robtics #fusion360 #ros #mjbots #tmotor #prototype #UPXtreme #MIT #cheetah

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Here is Saturday afternoon :smiley: but still working :beers:

Haha sorry it’s just a repost from my other channels. And I forgot to change day :upside_down_face:

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Hahah no problem :smiley:

Friday Picture: Wireframe of k3lso. Design is moving along nicely!

Here is also a small update on some other stuff:


Managed to buy a unpatched switch yesterday:) Plan is to run L4T Ubuntu and it should be #k3lso remote :upside_down_face:

#robotics #nvidia #quadruped #quad #ros

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In terms of appearance, that looks excellent as a remote.


My second set of legs are soon done! CF milled and new lower leg design! Looks dope

#quad #quadruped #k3lso #robotics #ros #carbon #milled

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That is really impressive milling, not your typical 2.5D. Are those 4 leg parts on the top right milled as 2 or 3 pieces and assembled or you doing 5 axis? What machine are you using? What kind of carbon fibre composite is that?

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@cmackenzie I am not milling this things myself. :slight_smile:

Nintendo switch ubuntu l4t 3.2
Switch running ubuntu and ros #Melodic trying #champ package by @joemeno visualized in #Rviz

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Switch multi-camera streaming running ubuntu ros and #UPXtreme and #realsense #d435 running #champ


I am not aware of anyone else who has done that (running ROS on a Switch).
You tagged joemeno but I didn’t find any mention of Nintendo.
I’m also astonished as to how fast you did it.


Oh, you really shouldnt have shown me this! Ubuntu and ROS on a small game controller…oh must not peer into the light.

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@cmackenzie yeah :slight_smile: what is not to love with a handheld Linux with joysticks. I’m still wating for some nice realeses this year. I would recommend checking out: Aya neo, GPD win3 and alienware ufo (but unclear if this will go to maket).

An alternative which is already released is also the One Netbook OneGx.

Update: tested pybullet, ros and cheetah wbc controller directly on the Nintendo Switch. :rofl:

Also started to play a bit with DepthAI and found a another use case for the D435 :rofl:

Doing the calibration routine for my custom baseline and trying ROS stream. Now need to learn how to convert it to a pointcloud with depth_image_proc

Will continue tomorrow

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New parts. One full set of CF legs for the robot and also a set of the new lower leg design in 7075.

I CF parts are 38% lighter then the alu 7075 parts. I am happy with looks.

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