Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum, and I think it is appropriate to indroduce myself.
I am a 43y/o German, working in the IT-dept. of a large insurance company (yeah, yeah, I know…). That means I don’t have to watch my spelling all that much… just kidding.
I have a wife and 2 kids (almost 10 and 12), and besides all that I like to build things, preferably something mechanical.
Robots have always fascinated me, and I still have one of the original Fischertechnik robot arms from way back in the 1980ies, and an old Omnibot2000 (who is actually looking for a nice family who would adopt him).
As for mobile robots, I have built a number, with changeing success. Those where all wheeled/tracked chassis based. I also built a few bugbots, like photovores etc.
A few years ago I got into building multicopters. I have a small, old and battered CNC mill (Step4-400), so I am in the lucky position to be able to make some of the parts myself (like the frame in my avatar-picture). One of the goals here is to have a stable platform to loft a camera and take aerial images. That’s what I did during my time in the military, so I guess it came naturally.
Unfortunately, my programming skills are quite limited. I do understand most of the code when I read it, but designig my own beyond the structural graph is something different.
I do think that I am not all that bad when it comes to mechanical engineering.
I have been following the various developments of leged vehicles on and of. I tried my own project (a bucket full of servos, some hours on the CAD, ond then letting the mill scream away…), but I decided that I would be better off reusing an existing electronics package rather than re-inventing the wheel.
So, I will do some reading-up on what’s keeping you folks up all night, and probably come out of that with more questions than I have now.