I’ve found a number of sites which show instructions for making a cheap (<$5) serial port only PIC programmer. I gathered a few here:
pikdev.free.fr/IMAGES/serial-prog-recto.png (No documentation, just image)
Anybody here use this programmer? It appears to support the 16F628, 16F877, 18F4620, 18F4550, and most other ICSP devices including dsPICs. Someone even mentioned it programs not just PICs, but AVRs, and SEEPROMs too.
I’m a but confused here since if such a simple program is all one needs, why is there such a massive number of programmers out there? While I do have my PicKit2 working (mostly), I’d much rather standardize on something simple since I don’t need the advanced features of the PicKit2 for nearly all work.