Is this the same motor driver?

I'm looking to buy this motor driver:

However, I don't know if it's the same one as this:

They have the same number of pins, and look similar, so I think they might be... but who knows what's on the inside of the box!

So, are these basically the same item?

not the same

however functionally i belive they do the same thing. take 4 one direcion outputs and give you two bi directional outputs.


of course i’m hardly the most technical person around here

I use the SN754410 in the
I use the SN754410 in the picaxe 28x12 board with no problems whatsoever. It will just drive a greater load the the L293D.

They are not the same, but
They are not the same, but pin compatable. I personally use the SN754410.