IronBot:A Smartphone-Operated Robot

In the seventh U.S.-China Consultation on People-to-People Exchange on June 7th,IronBot was sent as a gift to US secretary of state Kerry and Chinese Vice Premier Liu, Yandong.

Meet IronBot On Indiegogo!! After 9 months of efforts, IronBot finally come to Indiegogo today! From the early stages of the product up to now, it was amazing! we thank you very much for friend's support here. You can come to indiegogo and support us:

Recently we discovered that ironbot has a very special ability of cosplay.So, we are going to cosplay super heros of DC and Marvel. And then, we hope they can argue to each others, even fighting, throught app's control and program.

Hi, all. Good luck to the year of Monkey. This is our first robot--IronBot. It is a Smartphone-Operated Robot maked from a iron plate.As you can see, it has a big head, big blue eyes, and can listen to and speak with personality.It is able to interact with you to a lot of interesting.

It has 9 servos controlled by arduino.Connect body with mobile phone via bluetooth.Speech recognition and speech recognition is through the iflytek cloud platform.Personality interactions depend on Tuling cloud platform, but we can modify some specific vocabulary through our software.We design several kinds of expression for him.The robot's main core is that cell phones, so we  can add a lot of new features only by upgrading mobile software in the future.

Servo: JX servo

Controller: Arduino Pro Mini

Brain System:Android

Cloud service:Iflytek(TTS,STT) and Tuling(Personality interactions)

Contact us via our website:








In the winter camp , 9 children  create their own robots from a iron plate by themselve.I was  surprised they did it in 5 days.



Good luck to the year of Monkey.




Using the same structure, we made a manipulator.



Manipulator, Biped Robot or humanoid Robot, using the same structures. We want to make it more colorful!

New robot's controller on our app ! To set the trajectory of the robot.

XLink, graphical programming function on app.You can program robot's action,voice,face,camera,light and so on.

You can set voice's pitch and speed of robot.

Now we are design a new function of drawing robot's faces! 




Recently we discovered that ironbot has a very special ability of cosplay.So, we are going to cosplay super heros of DC and Marvel. And then, we hope they can argue to each others, even fighting, throught app's control and program.







We create some gif pictures for these superheros!And let them dance together!




This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


It looks amazing! not only in software and hardware, but also the way you gave him personality! It would be awesome to see both of them interact, not fully fight, but anoy each other, or maybe argue.

Very nice robot


Very nice build.

Could you give more information about it ?

How do you power it ?

What type of servos you’ve used ?

What software did you use to program ?

Have you made the support frames yourself ?

您好 ! 哥

您好 !
哥 !

我住在印度尼西亚。很高兴看到在这里的中国人 !

btw, it’s cool


looks like he powered it using 4 aa batteries

Thank you

We’ve been thinking how they interact with each other. I think, the infrared may be a more stable and feasible method. By the way, robot can control other household electric appliance  through infrared module.

Thank you


We power it by the power adapter right now.

And we use MG995 servos. This servo isn’t stable, but it is cheaper. Now we want to change a servo which has position feedback. Do you have any recommend for us?

We use Android Studio and Arduino Adt to program.Haven’t made the support frames. We separated the programs and data, and put all data into action packet, faces packet, voice packet.





I NEED one!

This is tremendous!

I’ve spent year looking for a cheap, multiservo chassis for building a bot like this.

Normally I am priced out of the kits as the servos are so flipping expensive…

But with the 995s they can be picked up really cheaply.


Can I just ask where you got the chassis from? I’d love to get one.

Or even machine my own!

They can be bought on taobao

At first, we build this robot with some structures bought from the They are some of common robotic structures.And then we use the lab machines to produce some structures.


Thank you

Thanks for the information.

I will definitely have a look at their website; Ive never seen this chassis before; I love how the servos are incorporated into the shape of the parts.

Can you share more on the cloud services you are using?

I was able to find iflytek but not the Turing service you mentioned for personalities. I’d love to hear more about how both are working for you for speech recognition, text to speech, and natural language processing.

I had the same questions.

I had the same questions as MrAnalytical.  I was searching for the Turing cloud service as well.  I would love to hear more about your experiences with it.



**Sorry guys, it is tuling cloud service **

Sorry guys, it is tuling. And there is their api

But as we know, it only supports chinese. Maybe you can try


We define the four-tier structure in application.

Firstly got the user’s words through STT.

Then we got user’s intention by local filter we defined.

Thirdly got the replay from tuling service. And it is very easy, we only need to post the user’s words to their service. And then we can get the replay. 

Finally, it is TTS.



別擔心,我們在這塊不會孤單! Haha…

A great little robot!

A great little robot!


 It’s a great idea. Thank you for sharing.

Talking to each other throught wifi connection!

In our application of phone, we designed a connection between robots in the same wifi network. So now ,they can received the message from each other, argue each other!