IR eye

This project is the first step in my motion tracking. This Eye was built and adapted from an LRM post

I use similer parts except my transistors are generic 2222 NPNs, so far all sensors work, next i will be attaching the servo and start adding some logic to it

more pictures and a video as soon as I can attach it to the servo


Detect motion and track it

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 HS-311 servos
  • CPU: Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: generic photo transistors
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


As soon as you attach it to the servo eh?

Attaching this to a servo is taking 2 years?

Man, you’re slow. J/k.

lol, 2 years!!

lol, 2 years!! it says “time to build: 10 hours” he should change that!!!