Internet Connected Trash Can Robot That Talks

This IOT project started out serious, then I kept thinking of funny things I wanted to make it do. The only way I could think to present it was a corny infomercial style video. It talks, sends you an email when its full, and I made an accompanying Android App for more control over its functionality. 

Full Instructions:

Code and Android App can be found on:

You need: A cheap trash can (this one is from Target)

Computer Speakers

An Arduino Leonardo

An Iduino Yun Shield

An Elechouse MP3 Shield A 4GB SD Card

2 HC-Sr04 Range Sensors

Some Jumper Wires

A Hot Glue Gun

A Mini Breadboard

A Bluetooth Module HC-06

A Micro Servo Motor

A 9V battery or Wall Adapter (to power the Arduino board)

  • Actuators / output devices: SG90 micro servos
  • Control method: Bluetooth, Android App
  • CPU: Arduino
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Funny! Although in a way

Funny!  Although in a way not a bad idea.  

How many people out there have a dog that gets into the trash?   If you could identify what are dogs, and not people and/or the lid locks when it gets knocked over?  I would buy one of those…




Nice :slight_smile:

Very nice and funny project :wink: