Interfacing motors from RPi with PicAxe

You might need to add a goto

You might need to add a goto main at the end of the main loop. Without it the program ends, maybe explaining why you’re getting odd values. When the program ends the chip goes into low power mode and the internal timers are turned off, making communications difficult, to say the least.

I’m not sure a VNC would help much, I’m out of ideas too. All I have is my last suggestion. 

Man, I feel fully vested in this thing. It is severly detracting from my progress with my project lol j/k I just want to see this work in a terrible way myself. Your success will be my success :D 

Thanks for the help, you’re

Thanks for the help, you’re right that I was forgetting that…
Smart guy for knowing WHY it’s doing it, and not just what’s causing it.

So I got it back to returning put 2, b2 properly…
I’m reading your other posts now, but thanks a lot for all the help you’re giving me!  

I’m sending you a mail so you understand better what I’m building, and why it’s important.
Feel like, since you’re giving so selflessly, you deserve to know what it’s going towards.
That way you know what it is you want to see work in a terrible way! :P 

Got it working!

The bus speed was the problem…

I forgot I had 2 different PicAxe chips, a 28x1 and 28x2…
I was running the 28x1 in this boad still, so I had to change them to set the right frequency,
as I was getting “Unknown Symbol m16”… for anyone else who googles this…
I had no source, it just occurrsed to me… so for future folk, look at your chip number.
The code: 

pause 2000

 I put the pause there in case there was any shift in the analog pressure levels, due to the clock speed changing.
By my math, it’s not required, but rather an additional safety, to put the pause 2x the last step for each step…
 So m8 = 1000, m32 4000, so on.

This will help make sure everything equals out due to the changes in pressure,
similar to if you plug a fan into a power jack with a TV, making it flicker. 



So RonHackett’s fix with uping the chip speed was what ended up working? I think that’s the message I’m getting.

As they say, the magnitude of joy is proportional to the magnitude of stress (or headbanging) incurred :smiley:

That being said, \o/ one more time LOL


Thanks, but did you get my message(s)?

If not (I can’t figure out where to check PMs myself), add me on FB so I can tell you? 

Yes, I got your messages,

Yes, I got your messages, sent back a reply. Ahhh… yeah yeah, so using the Contact form here sends a PM to a user’s email. My reply has been sent to your email on your account here, cdar***** (you know what to do with those asterisks).

In very ungeeky form I’m not on FB for the moment right now so I’ve no place to add you, sorry mate.

Feel free to post the results here, I’m sure others are interested in the final outcome and all the ins-n-outs getting there. Or perhaps in the future someone armed with Google will be. Shoot me an email either way!