Back in October there were two new Arduino boards that were announced. The one that I am most interested in is the Arduino Tre as it is based on the BeagleBone Black plus an Atmega32u(2 or 4). As I already have a BBBk and like it, especially as they are changing their default to Debian, I will grab one as they come out.
But the Other one introduced (Intel Galileo) also looked somewhat intriguing and they are actually starting to show up. So on a whim I ordered one from, which arrived yesterday. I would hate to lose the label of changing directions every week
So far I have not done much yet, other than to get it to work. Yesterday I could not talk to it on my main Dev machine (Windows 7 64bit), but later was able to get it to work on my Notebook. Finally figured out this morning that it does not like using a high com port number like COM65. I manually changed the device to COM6 and I can now talk to it and I have been able to program it with blink.
Things I noticed so far: little documentation, have to install a separate IDE based on 1.5.3.
I hope they are just being paranoid with how many places they write: You must connect it first to +5v, before you connect to USB, or you can damage the board…
It is like other Linux boards and takes a long time to boot up. I have not timed it yet but probably 30-45 seconds, maybe a bit shorter without linux installed on microsd. They have a really really small version of linux that is stored on the board itself. If I remember correctly the onboard linux is 8mb. This version does not support things like wifi. If you wish to use those features, you need to download an image to microsd card.
This card has a setup for debug terminal, that is already converted to RS232, which comes out at a speaker jack. They sell a cable that connects to this and comes out as a DB9. So then I have to use a USB adapter to it… Agree with Sparkfun review on this. I do have this and with it you can watch the system boot, where it goes into a grub menu and times out after 10 seconds…
Other reviews or posts that I have looked at:…ound/240165716…ileo-features/
What I am not sure about yet, is how I would/will use this board.
Example: It has the Arduino 1.0 shield connectors, which is nice and it does support some of the shields, but for me not sure about how well the IO would work.
For simple things like: looping setting an IO pin on and off, it is something like 500 times slower than an Arduino Leonardo (max of about 230hz). So I don’t think any of these IO pins would work with PS2 inputs or SoftwareSerial…
As far as I can tell they only have one USART available. There is the 2nd one setup for debug through the other cable. Not sure in their Arduino setup how things plugged into the usb host port are enumerated and accessed… I doubt they come in as Serial1, Serial2…
I know that they have added a System command: Example in the Sparkfun link:
system("python /media/realroot/ > /media/realroot/emails");
Where he has stored a Python program on the SD card and this allows the Arduino side to call it… Also in his example there is code showing how the Arduino side can read stuff off of the SD card which again is nice.
Note: after programming the board with blink, I unplugged the board and later plugged it in. Unlike Arduinos, blink is not running when I start up. So assuming I use this for something, will need to figure out how with this board, to have the program start up at boot time.
Up on their forum, it looks like several people are replacing the software on the board with Debian.
I will need to do lots of reading up there to learn more. I will probably take my time with it as I do have a few other projects I want to get back to.
So that is probably all for now