Inspection vehicle

Hi everyone!
I'm new here and I come from Belgium (so my english is bad ) I'm working on a school project with 5 people. 2 of them are electrical installation technicians and 3 are Mechanical design technicians. We do all of the electronics, while the housing is made by the Mechanical design technicians. We started on the first of october and now we almost finished.

The vehicle has a Wild Thumper arduino board, Dension WIRC with 2 camcorders and a wifi stick, 2 LED's, a servo motor and 2 DSMP420 motors with a power of 41W. Thanks to my thesis, I started to have interest for arduino. And so I bought a lot of arduino products like the arduino UNO. And thanks to the opensource of arduino I learned a lot of arduino and tryed a lot of projects.

So that’s why I'm also putting my project online. It isn't finished because I still have some problems with the charging of the battery's. I use 10x1.2V battery's with 4.5 Ah in series. And the Wild Thumper stops too soon charging. But I'm working on that. :D

It's controlled with the WIRC app that connects with the Dension through wifi, which sends signals to the Wild Thumper. These signals controls the motor's and the LED's. The servo motor is directly connected to the Dension. The vehicle will later be used by the Company Cofely to ride in ducts and inspect cables or even take something with the gripper in unreachable places.

We are doing a competition with our project. So could you please like this page and vote for our project Make sure that the checkbox is green! :D Thank you very much You can follow us on fb

You can find the files on this website;

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Cool! I like how you made

Cool! I like how you made your own gripper. And the robot along with the tracks is looking nice and sturdy.

Cool, you built a low cost

Cool, you built a low cost version of the UPUAUT which was build by a German engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink to investigate the inside of the shaft in the Queen’s chamber of the great Cheops pyramid. Sadly he did not get the chance to investigate further since the US took over after he fell in disgrace with the former Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs, Zahi Hawass. 

Well, I do not want to drift away but wish you good luck with your project. It looks quite interesting especially the gripper function.


I never thought of it like that.
But yeah it does indeed looks like an “UPUAUT” very cool ! :smiley:
Thanks for the information, that’s a very interesting fact.