I'm starting visual basic, (Slight Update)

Java is good

I do like (prefer even) to program in Java. The one thing that I don’t think it excels at is easily creating UI, though. Microsoft has done a real good job at making that easy. Not necessarily with generating the best code, but you can get quick results.

if you want i can send you
if you want i can send you one of my simple programs i have made some time ago so you get familiar with the syntax.

** The Microsoft Visual**

The Microsoft Visual Studio Development Environment is pretty slick - but the cost of running into a future road block (ie proprietary code, proprietary OS, wierd MS quirks, and no support for old/cheap hardwar) is too high for me

I’m going for the UI challenge, using applet controls for my bot. Funny thing is I’ve already done this using a java & a different UI (GWT) - but I want to try applet controls for a variety of reasons - and I have some work to do on a couple of motor controllers which burned out :P.

1. Eclipse Visual Editor & IBMs tutorial

2. Net beans comes with its own visual GUI editor

3. Then there is gajillion examples and tutorials on the net for beginners to experts, just search for “Java GUI tutorial”

4. Sun always has a lot of good tutorials e.g. http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/index.html

5. Google search on “tutorial hello world applet” even has video tutorials :slight_smile:

It’s a bit expensive but the

It’s a bit expensive but the javelin proc by parallax uses java for it’s prg langauge…so you’d be able to prog a bot and write other stuff.

If you consider java, I also recommend the book “Thinking in java 3rd Ed.” The book is free online comes in a pdf or html and goes through the concepts of how java works in a very understandableway.

As far as a language to learn that would be most useful down the road, I’d have to say C. Learn that and all the others fall into place… plus avr’s and pic’s use C…:smiley:

thems are the floodgates
No Holy Wars. I love this club.

Java ftw!!

THis is why i reccomended processing, its java based but gives an easy way into programming applications. Theres a massive community of people out there already working with it, theres support for arduino which means the code is already catered towards interacting with mcu’s. You could be up and running sending signals back and forward to your picaxe within an hour or so, from there on its a steep but easy learning curve. It comes with a load of examples too!!




I had a LOT of good use ov

I had a LOT of good use ov VB some 10 years ago.

In fact I think it is the only MS program that I can see any use of. Just want to let you know CTC; I am into Unix / Mac & Open source etc… But VB can be one extremely effective piece of SW, making stuff fast & nice, focusing on the important stuff!

I thionk I remember that the F6 key is good… don’t remember what it does though. What does it?

Looks interesting Edgee

I think everyone is offering CTC language possibilities from their experiences. I’ve been meaning to check processing out in more detail, since you mentioned it in a previous forum. However, I suspect I would be losing some control in exchange for “ease” - but I won’t know until I try it. In addition, everyone is most effective in the language which they have been using. When you have a hammer, everything is a nail. When you are most experienced in a particular language, that is the one you want to develop in.

“My way is the best way” , might be amusing, but, only waists precious development time.

You guys are nuts!!

I should have known that you guys would get off on a thread like this one. So I think I can narrow this down to this perl thing rik is talking about and VB. One huge problem though, rik suggests perl and frits suggests VB --I think we all know what happens here! Keep the info coming here, folks but for now I am going to start wading through both perl and VB and see if either catches my fancy.


You mentioned bluetooth and the like in a post way up there… You were refering to perl, right? It’s funny you mention this as my new fancy, little computer has bluetooth built in --Just imagine, walter driving around with a new netbook for a hat!!

My tuppence - as a

My tuppence - as a programmer for 30 years:

1) Unless you are really into programming, or want to be really into programming, leave Java alone. you are unlikely to just pick it up and run with it.

2) Microprocessors have limited storage and limited processing capabilities. To get the best out of them, choose a language that’s tailored for them. Basic is easy to use, but it’s usually interpreted rather than compiled, so it runs slow (but often small). Java and all these other high-level languages run fast but those fantatsic libraries and clever data structures eat storage space. Assembler - BOA’s tool of choice - is small and fast, but is going totake more effort to write.

3) It may not be for you, but for me, I’d take a serious look at Processing. I’ve heard some really good things about it.(I’m not sure if it runs on Pics,or is Arduino only.

Just putting my opinion across
As far as java goes i cant see anyone picking it up and learning it without a headache where as processing is an easy way to get into it.


just to give you and idea of its ease of use heres a site with a load of tutorials on exactly what you are after:


I saw a chapeter on serial communications in there too.

"In addition, everyone is

"In addition, everyone is most effective in the language which they have been using. When you have a hammer, everything is a nail. When you are most experienced in a particular language, that is the one you want to develop in."

That, sir, is a great sentence!

Alright rik… you convinced me

I started going through some of the tutorials, I think I might like this perl stuff. Now, I have VB as well, I think I am going to play with them both untill one jumps out at me.

Tell me what to download. Be specific -there is a TON of different downloads for perl so I am a little confused as to exactly what I need to get started. Could you send me a link to what you think I should have?

download perl from activestate

These guys have a de facto standard windows distro for perl. Download the installer for windows of your choice. Choose the latest release.

Read this book (pdf) as your first. No perl or computer required for the first few hours/days. Second hand hard copies should be readily available for less than $10.

LED blinking in the software world is called “hello world”. Just to get your first google search going.

And remember…

"The Magic of Perl was sewn together, stitch by stitch and swatch by swatch, around the rather peculiar shape of your psyche. If you think Perl is a bit odd, perhaps that’s why."

Larry Wall in the Preface of “Learning Perl”.

How do i start, rik?

Alright my man,

I put about 2 hours into reading the manual and am now ready to start my “hello, world”. However, it seems I can’t even locate the actual program. I have downloaded the latest version and installed it but I don’t seem to understand where I simply start writing the code! I assume the OLE browser is what I want because I would assume I don’t want documents or the perl package manager. However when i open the OLE, I get this message…

Internet Explorer could not load the PerlScript engine. This is most likely due to the value of the “Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe” security setting of the “Local intranet” zone. PerlScript inside IE will only run on Windows XP SP2 and later if this setting is set to Enable. Setting it to Prompt doesn’t seem to work.

IS this coding done on-line? Is there a big-ass thing here I am missing? Is firefox the issue? Just tell me where to stick the key to start this car -I’ll take care of crashing it from there.


To be honest, the manual was a little over my head. There is a lot of tech speak including a ton of abriviations. I generally do better actually working with something, so I think I just need to get into the “editor” and plug away at some of the tutorial information before this stuff really sinks in.


Uncool people start off with
Uncool people start off with "Hello World!", cool people start off with "Goodbye cruel world!"

yeah that suxors

Should have this one coming. sorry.

Here’s how to ignite the world.

Pick a directory to keep your code. Open both a command line (DOS box) and a text editor.
Write something like ‘print “hello world\n”;’ in the empty screen.
Save it as a new file, maybe hello_world.pl in the code dir.
Now from the command line, run your program (no compiling or anything).

Here’s the tricky bit: winxp ought to know by now how to handle *.pl files. If not, you will find out in this step.


Sure there are more clever/comfortable ways to do this. A developer environment interface that combines editing, documentation and testing maybe. But for now, notepad.exe + cmd.exe will give you a coarse feeling of the language.

To be honest: I have no idea what that OLE thingey is supposed to do. Let me find out later today. Like, after my paying job.

Godspeed on this journey.


I’d recommend getting a

I’d recommend getting a different text editor something like notepad2(very lightweight) or notepad++ which gives you text highlighting, color and line numbering…they are quite helpful when editing a file. :smiley:

notepad2 has many syntax schemes for multiple langauges like perl, c#, vbscript, etc…