Illinois Institute Of Technology

Hey! I plan on to go Ingeneering!

You say that youre good with youre hands (Wich is, depending on where you work) useless for an engineer, You will imagine and put that on paper with presision, you won’t build it. If you want to go more in the Building stuff type I would try to (here we have CEGEP… ) find a program in college so you will work in waht you want.

Let’s say here (Quebec) I say do a technique in mechanical engineering specialisation in Aeronotics (in CEGEP). you will not imagine the things, you will be the guy that builds space ships or planes. I think you should go in what you prefere the most… That’s the most important thing.

Mechanical Engineer is the route I am going for, but you still need a lot of math, every college year in this course involves a course in math. Technical math mostly, which is probably easier since im good in physics (formulas, and calc that are helpful).

anyways, hope were not thread-jacking anyone’s thread :blush:

Hey JrDrag, how does ITT look? im looking at colleges right now and im not sure where to really give a good look at yet. I have yet to take the SATs and ACTs but as of now i’ve got a pretty good idea of where i could go (i got an 1820 on the PSATS, not too shabby)

I have looked at:
-Worcester Poly Technical Institute
-Rochester University
-Purdue school of enginerring

and i still have a few more to check out

Any one have any advice or opinions or recommendations for a school from someone who has gone to a college that they liked or somehwere someones kid has they they like? (Im looking into Electrical/Mechanical engineering or Robotics (which is actually a major at a few of them) as a major/double major) Any input is appreciated

(sry for thread jack, i can move this if you want)

Im thankful enough to have some of the best engineering universities and colleges in my area. Uni of waterloo, Mcmaster Uni, Western Uni in london ON (not sure about that one) mohawk college, ect ect. As I said Im looking to mech engineering in college(not sure what feild yet) and hopefully upgrade my degree in university early on or later in life. :laughing:

I’m an ITT graduate. Got the Electronics Engineering Degree um bout 25 or so years ago. lol

My perspective. You get out of any school what you put into it. I’ve worked with brilliant engineers from ITT or Devry, and some real intellectually challenged engineers from prestigious universities.

:open_mouth: Your OLD!..erm…i mean ^^;;…wise and all knowing

but being old is besides the point, i agree with you entirely on that idea, however i would just like to make sure that the facilities would be up to par as i learn much better working with something physical then in concept

Italian guy, same here in New England, with got good engineering schools (MIT, BU, WPI) and well as some awesome normal schools (some ivy league schools, Harvard-these are a little bit too yuppy for me though :laughing:)

but as jim said, it what you take out of it, not where you go (i guess thats a little bit…but still, u get the point)

Could you elaborate on that? :confused: The campus is pretty small, which suprised me. You can walk from one end of campus to another in about ten minutes. A five minute car ride and you’re right at the home of the White Sox (it’s on the other side of the highway.) And a ten minute drive will lead you right into the heart of the city. I grew up in the burbs of Chicago so everything seemed normal to me. It might be a little different compared Massachusetts. I’m the first child in the house to go to college so this will definately be a learning experience.

The dorms were pretty nice too. There are two different dorms on campus (the names eludes me at the moment). The bigger dorms are about $3000/yr more than the smaller ones. Room and board is about $8000-$12000. The cheaper dorms were pretty small, but one would have to learn to live with that. I didn’t get to see the inside of the more expensive dorms, but they were definately bigger, and had a big rooftop balcony. You can see the fireworks from Comiskey Park on the rooftop. And there is security 24hrs a day. In order to get into the dorms, you have to swipe a key pass.

All in all, it’s a pretty nice college! Now I have to apply for scholarships. I keep saying that :unamused:

Hm, i’ll look into it, the “burbs” of chicago might be a bit different from here, your right :laughing:

i’ll look into it more, sure is a lot too look over though

We had a lot in our school. I think one guy bought a pre-made rover that had all the software built in and he was pawning it off as his senior “design” project. It wouldn’t be unreasonable if the he implemented sophisticated use of sensors and path finding algorithms. However, on the last day when we do a show and tell (which basically determines whether you’re going to graduate or retake that course again), his rover kept ramming into walls with no path finding algorithm. It was almost insulting to have that person in the same course…

Our professor was an ex-Nvidia (3dfx at that time) engineer and other students had designed wireless network card (transmits single bit), mp3 players (this was before the single chip solutions), and video game systems that played on TV (by yours truly). Suffice it to say, the professor was NOT impressed…

It didn’t surprise me, a few of the “clowns” in my curriculum basically cheated their way through and slipped through the cracks. This is analogous to dumping your meal in the trash that you bought at a restaurant just to pretend/say that you ate it.

Engineering is one of those majors that 90% of it depends on your own perseverance. I called it the “endurance” major since you had to endure a lot of pain (28 courses for my major alone :open_mouth: )

Edit: My quote/philosophy for college and higher education: It’s not the quality of the school you should be worried about, it’s the quality of the “self” that you should be most concerned with…

The actual school you go to matters less and less the longer you are out. People really only care about what you can do once you’re in the workforce.

I think it makes sense to go to in-state universities since the cost is lower because tuition is subsidized by state tax payers (including your parents).

and including myself, i have to pay for the tax that lets you keep cars on your prperty :unamused: …it’s a stupid tax anyway

yea, that is a benefit of doing instate colleges for sure, i think u might have just brought my college search down quite a bit ^^

That is very true.

Anyone know of any good scholarship sites? I just started going to Fastweb and was wondering if there are any other credible sites out there.

I only applied to one school- the best state university in my state. It worked out for me. :slight_smile:

Hey, since this is a topic of colleges does anybody know anything (expierience) of the naval/air force acadamy, im looking towards going there but im still not sure. Im probably going to go for engineering/aeronautics there, first i gotta pass AP BC calc though :frowning:

It’s tough to get in… something like each state senator and rep. can only sponsor 3 students per year so you need to have excellent grades, attitude, and good physical condition. When I was in university in the early 80s a friend at Annapolis said the education was valued around $200K/year. I can’t even imagine what it is worth these days. :unamused:
based on people I know and have met and deal with professionally who attended an academy it is my opinion that the education and experience is damned tough to beat when you get out of the service and into the civillian work force.

I’m in MD, and I had a mentorship in the Computer Services at the USNA in high school. It’s a nice place. I could have gone there, but I didn’t want to join the Navy! :open_mouth:

Eddie is right, it’s pretty hard to get in there. And it’s not all about grades and test scores; they test the athletic ability of candidates as well, and there is an interview process.

My friend just went to USNA last year and said the education is amazing, i mean… it is runned by the goverments money. My whole year in hs has been focused on getting to those requirements. Im ok with doing service after the Acadamy because it wouldnt require me to go into the war, my goal is to be an officer working with engineering and different recon vehicles. One thing my guidence counciler said i should do is possibly go for a good senior project to present -and thats why im here right now, and its also because ive had a huge interest in robotics for a long time.

I know this topic is a bit dead, but i would like an opinion on whther i should go for EE/ME or should i go for a Robotics major? just looking for an opinion :slight_smile:

any input would be helpful :slight_smile:

After my research on universities I’ve been told that a lot of the engineers finish not working in waht they studied. You could do a ME program and theres probably an option in 3rd or 4th year for robots. I believe If you go in EE you should go in microelectronics otherwise you will be working with the big thousand of woltage power distrubution.

It’s complicated to choose between EE ME and software engineer, I believe that there are some software engineers who can work with electronics so EE is probably less in demand for robotics.

In robotics groups working on… stuff, you always have much more poeple in software than the two other groups.