iHexi - The iPhone and Android controlled Hexapod

Thanks Jonny.

There are limits to all of the contols, Any of the rotations (pitch, roll, twist) currently have a range of +/-30 degrees.
However as can be seen in the video at about 7.54 my limits for the body translations needs correcting.

The App would be capable of controlling a quadruped for all the static moves, like body rotations and translations.
But I would need to include a different gait for the quad, and my previous attempt at such a gait was very ponderous.

Themes are a good idea and shouldnt be to hard to implement. Because of the way I have made the app the basic shapes
and positions would have to remain the same but any texture/patten could be applied. Ideas are welcome…


Hi all,

I have just finished writing a couple of Android apps that allow computer-less
control of the hexapod. Either Controlled directly over bluetooth from an Android
device or by using the Android device to convert the iPhones Wifi signal to bluetooth.



I know, thread is perhaps two years old, but is there an update on this ipod control project? Did you ever make it available?

Merry Christmas!

Alan KM6VV