Sometimes I really hate the internet.
I assume anyone who's been around for any period of time has experienced the "Honey, I really think we should sell the car and start taking the subway to know...for the the way, did you see where I put the creditcard?" or "Do we really need two kids? the big ones already moved out but the lill' one just sits there and screams all day..." thanks to some new funky gadget of massive nerdy blinghood. You know one of those day's you just wished you lived in a cave.
So I'm just sitting there touching up some speed control code and generally waiting for it to be sometime next week and UPS delivers my new camera, (apparently black and white doesnt work when programming for colour recognition, go figure.) and I stumble upon the new illuminato platform and strange ideas about six celled self assembling, self combining, self improving reproducing silicate mega-plankton started to propagate finally collapsing in on itself in a single concept, the fact that I won't be around to see what our kids and our grandkids do tomorrow with the crap we invent today. Basic research based biology I can live with, as it is just the study of what's right in front of us all the time. but this pisses me of to no end, as this means that if we want even the slightest glimpse of tomorrow we have to invent ourselves out of a box that's just gonna rebuild itself after we die. leaving us unable to see its new and improved cardboardy (composite selfreplicating IQ-embedded cardboard mind you) finish.
Long story short I guess its time to have that "Honey, we should start taking the bike to set an example...for the kids" and build myself a fresh robotic plankton level hell of my own.
//end existential rant