i-SORE (independent system of roaming electronics)

This is my first entry and my first real attempt at building and programming a robot. The i-Sore is an experimental platform built onto the two motor version of the Rover5 base. Right now he utilizes a PICAXE 40X2. Inputs are three Sharp IR sensors on a scanning tower for forward and periphery object detection, one Sharp IR sensor below for cliff detection and one SRF05 ping for obstacle avoidance. Outputs are 2 motors, one servo for scanning, one 16x2 LCD, one piezo and various LEDs for status indication. I am using two separate rechargeable battery packs 7.2 v for the motors and it is also stepped down using a zener to run the servo and 5 v to run the picaxe. So far he successfully roams about detecting and avoiding obstacles and works his way out of corners. I have an accelerometer I plan on implementing to detect sharp inclines and tilt conditions. The processing power of the 40X2 is probably overkill, but I plan on trying to use it to its fullest extent. Other ideas I am looking into is wireless control, video feed and maybe an arm or gripper. I’ll try to get some good video of him in action soon.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/i-sore-independent-system-of-roaming-electronics

Brilliant Name

Great work, looks like a fun project… WAIT !  I see a few bare spots !  I think you need more sensors !


I  like you’re robot, have the videos quick! I would love seeing it in action!

Really good job