I need to build a pic programmer

I have a few programs to upload asm files on to a pic chip the problem I have is the fact I don’t have anyway to get them on to a pic16F88   < 20 pin


I have a connection for my picaxe but only for 14 pin ones 

i was wondering if there was anyway to build a pic connection from my computer to my pic, 

i have spare usb connections, but any help would be greatful thank you  


The best suggestion I have

is to purchase a PICkit2 from Microchip. It is a USB programmer that has an ICSP header and includes some other potentially useful features if/when you need them and you are running Windows. You may get away with a clone purchased on ebay. I purchased my PICkit2 from Microchip for about $35 and am quite happy with it. Do NOT get the PICkit3. There are still some compatibility issues.


You should not attempt to construct one of the many serial port programmers and then use a USB to serial cable to program the PICs as the simple programmers you will find online utilize the voltages that should be found on a typical serial port to program the PICs. I am not postive about the parallel programmers, but, I am fairly sure that the use of a USB to parallel cable will also fail with them for some reason. Probably lack of a driver.

thank you but …

i had a look in to them and i really only need it for a one time program and i dont really want to spend over £20 becuase i am a student soo its alittle hard to find money, 

is there any other way? or any cheaper ones anyone might know ?

thank you but …

i had a look in to them and i really only need it for a one time program and i dont really want to spend over £20 becuase i am a student soo its alittle hard to find money, 

is there any other way? or any cheaper ones anyone might know ?

You mentioned having a programmer for your PICAXEs

While a PICAXE is a PIC, a PIC is not a PICAXE. Therefore a PICAXE programming cable will not program a PIC. Your PICAXE has what amounts to a bootloader on it which is why you can program it with so few connections.

If you are planning on really working with PICs

instead of PICAXE chips, I would suggest getting a PICkit2 or compatible and jumping ship on the PICAXE chips. Learn C, asm, or JALv2 and never look back at the PICAXE chips. If you switch to bare PICs you will get access to everything they offer instead of just what Rev-Ed can afford to offer. 

**alright thank you **

thank you i already know a bit about asm, i did a dimmer light program for college,

i shall wait till i get more money then