I just couldn't wait

I really want to build the famous StartHere robot, unfortunatly right now i can really afford the almost 100€ needed for it (i'm actually waiting for some extra money, but i won't get it until at least one month). So for days i just keep reading LMR, and reading again, and reading again, and explore the picaxe manual again and again and again... and suddenly i told myself that before building the StartHere, i could at least try to understand how the Picaxe work, so when i'll get all the components for the robot, it'll be a piece of cake (well, at least, i hope ^^ ), and if i fry something now, it won't be such a big deal.

So yesterday i ordered a 18X starter pack, and a bunch of leds, ldr, resistors, piezzo etc... and some cheap servos on ebay, and the least i can say right now is... I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY MAIL-ORDER TO ARRIVE!!! (and btw, the name of the forum could'nt have been better :D )

that’s the way you do it!

that’s the way you do it! start from something simple than evolve, absolutely the best way to learn (I personally experienced this on my own skin too).

If you want to save on money you could buy an infrared rangefinder instead of the ultrasonic ones, they are quite cheaper. You should check the IR rangefinder vs ultrasonic post to know more, but still, if you are not into precise stuff they should be as good.

Actually, i already have a

Actually, i already have a pretty precise idea of what i’ll buy, like the SRF05 for example, and when i’ll get the money i’m waiting for, it’ll be entirely dedicated to robotics so no problem… except i have to wait!

So indeed i’m gonna start simple, like make a led blink, or make a servo move… it will be a good stard :slight_smile: (and with two LDR, i can already make some cool things, like a line follower!)

If money is an issue ( I

If money is an issue ( I know it is for me) I believe the Arduino/Freeduino to be a better option but I am not sure since I don’t know that much about the Picaxe. I do know I bought a Freeduino for 17Euros on Ebay and a freeduino motorshield for 10 Euro. That together with a motorized Tank track from a Tamiya model which was well over 20 years old was enough to get me started. The addon shields ( e.g. proto shield) are also quite inexpensive and would give you the option to extend it with sensors easily ( that’s what I’m looking at now.

Just a thought.

Anyway just hope you have fun with building your first robot, I know I do.


Well thanks for the advice,

Well thanks for the advice, but i think i’ll stick with the Picaxe. It’s quite cheap, the 18x starter pack costs around 15€ (the problem is one component is not expensive, but for a robot you need that + that + that…), it seems easier for the noob i am, and the programming language is really close to the one i use at work so it will should be pretty easy.

And believe me, you don’t have to worry about the fun part :slight_smile:

If “domino” is the white

If “domino” is the white plastic blocks with the screw terminals, it’s called “connector strip” or “connector block” in English.

Connecting a servo to a PicAxe is explained in the PicAxe manual (the PDF files). I think there are two references in different sections - check them both out.

You’re right, the domino is

You’re right, the domino is the white plastic block, so thanks for the information! :smiley:

For the servo, i couldn’t find it, but sometimes my eyes just don’t work very well (i should replace them, and maybe add an ultrasonic ranger, could be fun to see in the dark) so i’m going back right now to the manuals…


I received my picaxe stuff on monday! As i ordered them on wednesday the week before, i am pleased to see that they are really fast!

I realized that i forgot to buy some connectors, and i didn’t want to solder/de-solder the components on the board all the time, so i decided to solder wires on the input/output, and put some… things on it (i don’t know how it’s called in english, in french it’s “domino”, maybe it’s the same!) so i can easily plug and unplug the components.


I also had to add a single battery holder to the battery holder they supply, because i'm using 1,2V Ni-MH and have to use 4.

So i started to have fun with it, turn on/turn off a motor, tried to make sound with the piezo (but the sound is VERY weak), now i just have to figure out what i'm gonna do with all those things.

My only little disappointment was that i also ordered a L293D, only to discover that it doesn't fit the board..., so i'll have it for the next board, but that means that i can't make my motors go forward and backward... (does anyone have a solution?)

Now i'm waiting for the servos, and if anyone knows where i can find the info on how to connect them to a 18X board form the starter pack, feel free to tell me because i can't find anything!

Try page 18 of Manual 3, and page 147 of Manual 2.

Yes, found them already

Yes, found them already (actually it’s page 175 on the new manual 2), looks like i havn’t searched as good as i thought… -_-v

Thanks a lot!