
A revolutionary way to detect pollution in ponds, streams, rivers. It can be modified to check Ph, Temparature, purity and much more.



Our binary hull system is 3d printed!

Team Members



22nd May 2013

Testing the buoyancy of the hull:



Navigate's around ponds via ultrasoun

  • CPU: Alduino
  • Power source: Sport Track 3250 x2
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05 Ultra Sound
  • Target environment: Pond

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/hydromorph

It’s coming together.

We’re about to put the dual hull system together and then we’ll be placing in the other components.

Sorta not cool

Ok dude. You updated 4 posts so you could shove them to the top of the timeline again. This would be fine if you had updated any of them --you made one incredibly small addendum to each not because of any real update, but to simply artificially push your posts back to the top.

This is made worse by the fact that multiple people have told you to “put a bit more effort” into your posts and they all remain as 2 sentences and a couple blurry pictures.

If you are going to keep shoving your posts to the top, the very least you can do is spend a bit of time actually explaining your projects, documenting them well, posting clear pictures. etc. Not to put too fine a point on it, it just kinda looks like you don’t give a ■■■■ here, dude.

Point taken. It’s not a

Point taken. It’s not a matter of not caring, just limited time. We’ll make more drafts before posting a series of updates in future.