Hi there fellow robot-builders.
I have just got a pair of wheel encoders wheels, but I am clueless about how you can install them on a motor.

the hole in the middle of the disc is 6mm in diameter, my motor has only about 1.5 mm, glue is not an option because i want to reuse the encoder-discs on other motors^^
looking forward to read your ideas
Mount the encoders on wheels
Mount the encoders on wheels and the wheels on the motor?
might be too fast…
This is going on the tank, right? And it seems these encoders are going on the motors before all the gear reduction so I am assuming you will try to be counting rotations with the motors turning close to full speed. In addtion, I notice the encoder wheels themselves have some pretty small (tight together) hash marks on them… Here is my experiance -and you need to take this with a pretty big grain of salt as I am a picaxe guy and I must admit picaxe chips are not known for thier processing speed…
Depending on your processing speed, your robot brain might not be able to "think" fast enough to count all those tiny marks as they fly by at full speed. I have overclocked a picaxe up to 16mhz (4 times reg speed) and was still not even close to being able to count a motor directly. Instead, I have always incoded at the wheels and have had great luck.

yes, but if the wheels
yes, but if the wheels wobble, then the disc might jump out of the reading-thingy, also i would prefer my encoder to sit directly on the motor, before the gearbox, as CtC said
Thank you for your answer,
Thank you for your answer, it’s aleways great to her from a more expirienced builder , but programming is not my problem.
It’s true that this task needs a quick processor, but good programming makes a big difference. On the one hand I generate 120 Hardwear-Interrupts every full rotation, but if you keep those interrupt routines short ( all mine does is count the increments) and do all the math on the normal main routine, you can avoid problems, but to get back to the topic, I can handle the programming, all I need to know is how to get those things in my tank^^
thanks for your input though
besides the valid point mr
besides the valid point mr carpenter makes you also have to consider what type of drive system you use. If you wheels are coupled to the gearbox/motor by drive belts they (the belts) might slip (e.g. when a wheel gets stuck) in that case you definately want the encoder on the wheel it self and not on the ‘motor side’ of things.
Maybe post some photo’s of your drive mechanism (inside and out) and people will come up with suggestions. Make sure the photo of the encoder wheel is on them as well (to make sure it’s all in proportion).
Look at the gear train in
Look at the gear train in your tank. You may be able to attach the encoder wheel directly on the side of one of the gears.