How to get biped Pete walking PROPERLY?

Looking good! 8)

Thanks! Of course, it is mostly parts YOU made! It is now my 35th birthday as of a half hour ago and I realized I’d better start kicking butt on some of these projects to keep up with the amazing (and sometimes half my age) brains here! I will build the arms out next then gradually replace the leg servos with 5990’s hopefully.

Well, if nothing else good comes of this birthday, I at least used it as a chance to let everyone I know that “if you can’t think of anything to buy for me for a birthday/Christmas gift, you can just buy me a Lynxmotion gift certificate”! Use it…it will come in handy :smiley:

Oh yeah, today is my official birthday and I am getting a root canal at 8:30am Eastern. Not the 8 I wanted to go with 8/8/08 :frowning:

I have to recommend either the ankle joint. I think the ankle is carrying the most load dynamically (when it’s walking). When the servos are static, I think the force is mostly on the spline and the brackets themselves, assuming you have a straight-leg variant of a biped like Pete and not a reverse-knee style like the Scouts/Lynx…