How to charge my robot's NiMH battery 24H/24

I hope your attention because I'd like your advice on how to load it !

Let's me explain:

I have a charger with delta peak A2Pro that loading my battery "when robot off . "

My goal is to let my robot over 24h/24 in order to use it when I want . "I did a test to determine the robot turned on autonomy without running , it is 8H . so if I go one week it is off !!!!"

knowing what to charge a 12V battery should be added when charging 3V so totaly 15V but my card " motor controller "can not exceed 12V I intend to put a voltage regulator "up there I think that's fair . "

I have many ideas for the station which will be the robot and the charger A2PRO2 " but is not the problem. "


I'd like to know whether the robot will be activated when the charging station is that the delta peak charger work properly given that the microcontroller will remain on " it will consume so few milliamps "

I do not know if this will have a real impact to preserve my battery, I understand that a NiMH charger with constant current work "

Thank you , all proposals will be welcome !!!!!!!


sorry formy english


I’m not sure what you are

I’m not sure what you are asking. I’m not being critical of your English, since I cannot write or speak effectively in anything but my native language. It does make it hard to help you if I cannot understand.

The link you provided in your post does not work, so I cannot understand what you are referring to there either.

Here’s what I think I understood.

You have a delta peak charger from A2Pro. You want to leave your robot charging all the time, so it will be ready when you want to use it. You want to leave your robot on while charging, and you are worried that the motor controller and other electronics might be damaged by the charging voltage.

Is that correct?

I would suggest building in a charging mode during which your robot shuts down all functions but keeps only the microcontroller on to monitor status and reawaken everything when commanded. The microcontroller could be given control over a relay or other switching device that disconnects the sensitive electronics and connects the charging circuit to the batteries. When commanded to ‘wake up’, the robot would disconnect the charger and reconnect the active functions of your robot.

thank you ignoblegnome, you

thank you ignoblegnome, you have understand my probleme!!!

but if i put a LM2596 DC Converter Adjustable Power Module Regulator for have 12V every time beetween my battery and my microcontroller  it’s good enough ?    

do you think if i put a regulator current L200 it’s good enough?

I don’t want run my robot when it charging!

i control my robot with my pc and vnc with web.

 There is no sensor

My microcontroller is a romeo arduino who have already integrated the crontroller motor

The motor run only if i push on my pc’s keyboard.

i would like make a robot who charging every time like a spykee or rovio.





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Theoretically, you should be

Theoretically, you should be able to place a voltage regulator between the charger output and the microcontroller. Like shown below.

Charger -> Batttery -> Regulator -> Microprocessor

Here are a few practical considerations:

Voltage regulators have a ‘drop out’ voltage. The Vin needs to be at least a certain voltage higher than the Vout. Be sure you know the voltage output of your charger, and that the voltage regulator you select has a low enough drop out voltage that it will operate. In other words, if your robot needs 12V to operate, and your charger puts out 15V, you need to be sure the regulator you select has a drop out rating of less than 3V. Leave some margin (maybe 0.5V) safety, because you don’t want to operate the regulator at it’s limits.

If the regulator will be supplying your robot with power all the time (not just when charging), then your battery is subject to the same drop out voltage limitation as your charger. In other words, if you need 12V for your microprocessor, you can’t run a 12V battery through a regulator and expect to get 12V out. The regulator needs some voltage difference to operate. There are ‘low dropout’ voltage regulators, which only need a small amount of voltage difference to work.

Also, be sure that the regulator can provide enough current for your robot.

I hope that helps. Good luck!

If you have more questions, please try to post some diagrams or pictures as that will help with trouble shooting.